10143 1
Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported.

Hello, I am trying to call SignalR method from C# controller in asp.net MVC, but I am getting this error

Using a Hub instance not created by the HubPipeline is unsupported.

Here is the image of the error


10044 1
how to get location name (address) from lat-long in c#

How can I get location name(address) by entering latitude and longitude using google maps or any other API in C# .Net?


9909 3
How to convert dynamic JSON string into C# class?

Hello, I am not able to convert dynamic JSON response string into C# class object, it's a long JSON and i even tried to convert JSON into class using the  website http://json2csharp.com/ but it's doesn't provide me proper JSON class, Here is my sample JSON

9897 2
How can I call base class constructor from derived class in C#?

I would like to know, suppose if I have inherited a Class A in Class B then How can I call the constructor of the base class(Class A) in C#?

9814 0
Read OR Write OR Modify Web.Config file using C#
In this article, I have explained and provided code to read, write or modify values from web.config file programmatically using C# code.

9776 1
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime Parse(System.String)' method

I am getting an error "System.NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime Parse(System.String)' method and this method cannot be translated into a store expression." when trying to run below code in C# ASP.NET MVC

9730 2
how to convert httppostedfilebase to httppostedfile in C#?

How do I convert httppostedfilebase to httppostedfile in C#? Here is my demo code sinppet:

9653 1
How to create realtime video conference application using ASP.NET MVC?

I am developing online learning portal in ASP.NET MVC web-application and I want develop video conference featue inside web-app.

Please help me in creating this application, because I am new in web-development.

9535 0
Creating C# Custom Exception (With Console application example)
To provide clear error details to user and prevent app crashes, sometimes you may need to create custom exception in C#, so in this article I have explained how you can create custom exception in C#.
9521 2
How to check if I am using localhost server or not in C# MVC?

I am trying to create a background job using hangfire as explained in this article "Background jobs in ASP.NET MVC C# using Hangfire.io" but I don't want to run this background jobs when working locally.

So, How can I check if I am on localhost in C# & ASP.NET MVC and not run this background jobs?


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