I wanted to add or remove classes from my HTML <div> dynamically using Javascript, I don't want to use jQuery here, so How can I add a class using JS?
If possible, I would also like to know how can I toggle class in Javascript
...I have received date in ISO format fom server-side, like this '2022-09-25T02:00:00Z' and I would like to convert it to another date format like dd-MM-yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd, then how can I do it using Javascript? I would like to know quick and easy solution.
...Hello, How can I get a timestamp in JavaScript? I need simple, understandable & easy code.
...I was trying to copy/clone the object and edit the new one but whenever I change edit NewObject, olderObject also get's changed, suppose here is my Object
...Hello, I am able to add localStorage using Item keys using Javascript, with below sample code