3260 3
How to get difference between two dates in javascript?

I would like to get Difference between two dates using javascript or jQuery in simple way.

How can I do that, for example

3163 0
Best Javascript Charting Libraries
In this article, I have provided list of various top quality Javascript chart libraries, which is useful for front-end developers and should be used in web-applications to show data efficiently.
3052 0
Word count using Javascript (jQuery or Pure JS)
This small snippet of code, help you create Word count tool using JavaScript for creating an abstract guideline tool
3031 0
Encrypt and Decrypt string in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Encrypt and Decrypt string or text in Javascript to secure text.
2974 2
How to get response data from XMLHttpRequest?

I was trying to get location by calling google maps API using javascript and wanted to know how to get response text/data after request is successfully sent.

Here is my javascript code:


2923 2
Format any number to two place of decimal using JavaScript?

I am getting data from the server using jQuery data table, now I want to format all the price or numbers getting from the server to two decimal places using javascript.

How can I do it?

For example:

2922 3
what's the difference between javascript substr and substring?

What's the difference between the javascript substr and substring, which is better to use and when?

2812 1
how to open new tab and insert content in it using javascript?

How can I open a new tab using javascript or jquery and insert new dynamic content in it? Bypassing the pop-up issue also, as I need to show a .pdf file in new window, but you can show me the code of opening and showing HTML in it, I will handle the pdf part.


2778 2
how to loop on JSON result & show it to user using jquery?

I am getting JSON result from my C# MVC controller into front end using Ajax call

2765 2
Detect if an element is hidden or visible in jQuery-javascript?

I am trying to check if Ads are visible or not(blocked) when user loads my web-application page, if not show a message, which is already hidden by default,so how can I detect if an element is visible in the current page after loading it, and if is not-visible make it visible(some other div to show user's a message to load ads on my website and support us) using jQuery or javascript?

Also is it possible to toggle the visibility of an element, using the function toggle() or any other function?



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