How to resolve Class, struct, or interface method must have a return type?

C# error, when trying to execute the code as below

using System;
namespace Examples {
 class Program {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   Laptop Lenovo = new Laptop("Lenovo");
   Laptop Dell = new Laptop("Dell");
   Laptop Sony = new Laptop("Sony");
 class Laptop: LaptopBase {
  public LaptopBase(String LaptopName): base(LaptopName) {
   this.LaptopBase = LaptopName;
  class LaptopBase {
   public LaptopBase(String LaptopName) {
    WriteLine(" " + LaptopName);
   public void Price() {
    WriteLine("$" + 1000, "$" + 2000, "$" + 3000);
   public void Processor() {
    WriteLine("i" + 3, "i" + 5, "i" + 7);
   public void Ram() {
    WriteLine(2 + "GB", 4 + "GB", 8 + "GB");
   public void HDD() {
    WriteLine(500 + "GB", 1 + "TB", 1 + "TB");

main.cs(31,10): error CS1520: Class, struct, or interface method must have a return type

Asked by:- Pa
: 5302 At:- 11/10/2017 10:24:04 AM
C# Class struct or interface method must have a return type

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- bhanu

Not sure what you were trying to achieve, but looking at your code, I have corrected these points to make it execute properly and have commented out the code so that you can understand

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create insatce of Class with Name as "Lenove"
            Laptop Lenovo = new Laptop("Lenovo");
            //Using the above instance called the Price Method of Lenovo class, it will print $1000
            //Using the above instance called the Price Method of Lenovo class, it will print i3

    //Laptop Class inherited from LaptopBase class
    public class Laptop : LaptopBase
        public Laptop(string LaptopName) : base(LaptopName)
            //this is used to set value of constructor
            this.LaptopBase = LaptopName;

        public string LaptopBase { get; }
    //Laptop Base class
    public class LaptopBase
        public LaptopBase(String LaptopName)
            //use Console.WriteLine to print data
            Console.WriteLine(" " + LaptopName);

        public void Price()
            Console.WriteLine("$" + 1000, "$" + 2000, "$" + 3000);
        public void Processor()
            Console.WriteLine("i" + 3, "i" + 5, "i" + 7);
        public void Ram()
            Console.WriteLine(2 + "GB", 4 + "GB", 8 + "GB");
        public void HDD()
            Console.WriteLine(500 + "GB", 1 + "TB", 1 + "TB");

try to execute it here online, it will work and provide you some output

At:- 11/10/2017 1:21:38 PM
Thanks a ton!!! 0
By : Pa - at :- 11/15/2017 10:07:29 AM

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