36070 4
How to remove quotation marks (double quotes) from string using jQuery or Javascript?

I am working on a web-application which returns JSON results as "/FileURL", I just need to get /FileURL as a result, means I need to remove quotation marks (double quotes) from returned JSON string using jQuery or Javascript, how can I do that?

27272 2
how to pass value to razor variables from JavaScript?

How can I pass value to razor variables from JavaScript in .cshtml(razor) page (asp.net mvc C#)?

Something like this

23793 6
Read Excel file using Javascript (XLSX or XLS)
In this article, I am going to explain how you can read or parse excel file using javascript and show it's content in HTML table. Explained for both .xlsx or .xls file
15671 2
How to remove square brackets from string using javascript?

Hello, I am working a javascript function, in which I want to remove square brackets from string suppose if string it "[test]", then after removing square brackets I should get "test" only.

How can I do this using Javascript and regex, or without regex?

15500 1
Get image width and height using Javascript and jQuery
In this article, I have explained how you can get width and height of an image before upload using javascript or jQuery to impose width or height constraint.

14875 2
Convert html to word with images (Using Javascript OR Using jQuery plugin)
In this article, I have explained, how you can convert your html document into word .doc using jQuery plugin OR simply by using Javascript function.
13353 0
Read CSV file in Javascript and HTML5 FileReader (Multiple ways)
In this article, I have explained how you can read or parse CSV file using JavaScript with HTML5 FileReader and using jQuery with External API, second way.
13278 3
How to compare two arrays using Javascript and get unmacthed elements?

Hi, I need to compare two arrays using javascript or jQuery and then get distinct values from each of them, like for example:

12900 3
How to format JSON date into valid date using javascript or jquery?

I am getting JSON result from server, with date as given below

12803 3
How do I remove last comma from string using jQuery or Javascript?

I have a string like "this, is, test," now I want to remove the last "," (comma) from this string to make it like "this, is, test", so How can I remove only last comma from string jQuery or Javascript?

I prefer Javascript method,thanks


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