get location name from latitude and longitude in .net

Get location name from latitude and longitude in .net.

without any api keys.

Asked by:- JosephEldho
: 675 At:- 1/18/2023 5:46:42 PM
Get location name from latitude and longitude in .net. Get location name from latitude and longitude in c#.

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- bhanu

Unfortunately, now a days it is mandatory to use API key while calling geocode in Google.

You cannot use it without API key.

It has 1000 request for 5$.

You can also take a look here:

It is old answer so it shows without API key solution, but it will not work now, as you will get "Request Denied" error with API key.


At:- 1/19/2023 9:26:45 AM

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