In this article, I have mentioned how we can Get string after specific word or after substring using JavaScript in various possible ways
Category Javascript
Replace all occurrences in string using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can replace all occurrences of a sub-string in a string using JavaScript with an example.
Category Javascript
Replace All Spaces in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how to replace all spaces in a string using javascript various possible examples.
Category C#
Hashtable in C#
In this article, I have explained what is Hashtable in C# and how we can use it with an console application example in C#
Category Javascript
Top Best React Component libraries
In this article, I have mentioned some of the top best React Component libraries which a react developer must use.
Category Javascript
Creating Multi-Line String in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create multi-line string literals in JavaScript using various possible ways.
Category Javascript
Change Text color on click using Javascript
In this article, I have provided possible ways to change text color of a button or another text using JavaScript.
Category HTML
HTML Comment Multiple lines (Block comments)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can comment multiple lines in HTML or how we can comment a block of HTML code.
Category C#
Delete or Remove item in C# List
In this article, I have explained how you can delete or remove item from a list in C# with console application example
Category Technology
Best Ezoic alternatives
In this article, I have mentioned some of the Ezoic alternatives which you can try, once you have more than 25k Users per month.
Category SQL
What is SQL Server Express and When to use it.
In this article, I have mentioned what is SQL server express version and why you should use it.
Category C#
Get Date Difference in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can find date difference between 2 date in C# with an console application example.
Category Javascript
Preview Images before upload using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can preview images before uploading using Javascript with an example
Category Java
Declare and initialize Array in java
In this article, I have mentioned, how we can declare and initialize array in Java with working example code.
Category Technology
How to Check Installed Powershell version
In this article, I mentioned how we can determine powershell version number using few possible command in Windows Powershell.
Category C#
Tuples in C# with an example
In this article, I have mentioned what are tuples in C# with a working console application example.
Category ASP.NET
Model Binding in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have explained what is Model binding and how we can achieve Model binding in ASP.NET Core using example
Category Javascript
Various ways to convert date to Unix Timestamp in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned various possible ways to convert date or datetime to Unix timestamp in Javascript with example.
Category SQL
Understanding SQL Server Where In (Example)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can use where in or where not in in SQL Server with working examples.
Category C#
Web scraping in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how to do web scraping in c# using AngleSharp with console application example.
Category Javascript
Uncaught Error: "Cannot use import statement outside a module"
In this article, I have mentioned how we can resolve Uncaught Error: "Cannot use import statement outside a module" In ES6 Javascript or NodeJs.
Category CSS
Toggle switch with Text in CSS
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create toggle switch button with text using CSS only.
Category Javascript
Various ways to make HTTP Request in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned 5 possible ways to make HTTP post or HTTP Get request in Javascript, with an example.
Category Technology
Cache memory vs RAM (Difference)
In this article, I have provided difference between cache memory and ram or you can say comparison for cache memory vs ram.
Category C#
Sort Dictionary by Value in C#
In this example, I have mentioned how we can sort dictionary by value in C# with an example.
Category Javascript
Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert seconds into hours/minutes/seconds (hh-mm-ss) using Javascript.
Category Bootstrap
Bootstrap alternatives
In this article, I have mentioned popular bootstrap front-end framework alternatives to be used for web-development.
Category SQL
GO Statement in sql server
In this article, I have mentioned about Go statement in SQL server and how to use Go command in SQL Server with example.
Category C#
Catch Multiple Exceptions in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can catch multiple exceptions in C# with console application example.
Category C#
Get String from Array in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get comma-separated string from an int or string array in C#
Category Javascript
Get enum key by value in Typescript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get Enum Key by Value using Typescript with an example
Category C#
Iterate Over Dictionary in C# (Various ways)
In this article, I have mentioned how to Iterate Over Dictionary in C# in various possible ways with example
Category C#
Merge Sort in C#
In this article, I have mentioned what is merge sort and how to implement it in C# using console application example.
Category Javascript
Get Substring after character in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get substring after a character using javascript in various possible ways.
Category SQL
Find Duplicate Rows in SQL Server
In this article, I have mentioned how we can find duplicate rows of a table using SQL Server Query with an example.
Category C#
System.Text.Json Serialize / Deserialize Object in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can serialize and deserialize objects in C# using System.Text.Json with console application example.
Category C#
Return Multiple values in C# (Various ways)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can return multiple values in C# in various possible ways using Console application example
Category Javascript
Read XML using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can read XML using plain javascript and display it in HTML table with an example
Category SQL
Union vs Union All in sql server
In this article, I have mentioned what is difference between Union and Union All in SQL Server with example.
Category C#
Lambda expression in C# (With Examples)
In this article, I have explained what is lambda expression in C# and how to use it with various working examples.
Category C#
What is console application in C#? (With Example)
In this article, I have mentioned what is console application in c# and how to create a console application in Visual Studio.
Category SQL
Window functions in sql server
In this article, I have mentioned what is window function in sql server and how to use window function in sql server with example
Category C#
Int to Enum or Enum to Int in C#
In this article, i have mentioned how you can convert int to Enum in C# or Enum to int in C#, using Console application example
Category C#
Fibonacci series In C# (Various possible ways)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create Fibonacci series program in C# console application using recursion or without recursion.
Category Technology
How to Comment Code in Powershell
In this article, I have mentioned how we can comment code in powershell script or block comments in powershell or inline-comment in powershell.
Category C#
Generate Random Number in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Generate Random Number in C# with multiple methods provided by Random Class in C#
Category Technology
Namecheap vs Godaddy (Price and hosting comparison)
In this article, I have provided comparison between two of the most famous hosting and domain companies, namecheap vs Godaddy.
Category Technology
Install Memcached on Windows or Linux
In this article, I have mentioned how we can install Memcached on Windows or Linux servers easily, step by step.
Category Javascript
String to Number (Int) using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned various possible methods to convert string to number (integer) using javascript various possible methods.
Category SQL
Best Open Source Database Software (DBMS)
In this article, I have mentioned Best free and Open Source Database Software (DBMS), which you can use.
Category SQL
Difference between SQL and NoSQL (SQL vs NoSQL)
In this article, I have provided details of what is difference between SQL and NoSQL or you can say providing details of SQL vs NoSQL.
Category Javascript
Find Element based on Data-Attribute using Javascript or jQuery
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get or select an element using data-attribute in jQuery or Javascript with an example
Category SQL
Find nth highest salary in SQL Server
In this article, I have mentioned few possible query to get Nth highest salary or 3rd highest salary in SQL Server.
Category Javascript
Filter Array With Multiple Values in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can filter an array with multiple values in Javascript with examples.
Category C#
Remove Duplicates from Array in C#
In this article, I have mentioned with console application example to remove duplicate from an array in C#
Category Technology
Multiple lines (Multi-line) comments in Bash
In this article, I have mentioned how we can comment multiple lines of bash or shell script commands with an example.
Category SQL
If-Else in SQL Server with Example
In this article, I have mentioned how we can include if-else in SQL Server Query with an example
Category C#
C# Comments with example (Single or Multi-line)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can comment code in C# with examples, using Single line comment or multi line comment.
Category HTML
Fallback image in HTML
In this article, I have mentioned how we can add fallback image in HTML when src tag is not able to load image in HTML.
Category C#
Remove last character from string in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can remove last character from string in C# using console application example.
Category C#
Switch case multiple conditions in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create switch case with multiple conditions in C# using Console application example.
Category Javascript
Comments in JSON File
In this article, I have mentioned how we can add comments in JSON file or JSON, using various possible ways.
Category C#
Create or initialize List Tuple in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create or initialize List of tuple in C# with an console application example
Category Javascript
Password and Confirm password validation using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can validate password and confirm password to be same using javascript and jQuery.
Category ASP.NET
In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert HTML razor view to PDF in ASP.NET Core using jsreport NuGet package.
Category Javascript
Convert CSV to JSON using Javascript.
In this article, I have mentioned few possible ways to convert CSV into JSON using Javascript.
Category Javascript
Convert Image to base64 string using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned few possible ways to convert image to base64 in Javascript (JS) with working examples.
Category ASP.NET
Run or Execute Stored Procedure using EF Core
In this article, I have mentioned how we can run or execute Stored procedure in ASP.NET Core 6+ using Entity Framework Core.
Category Java
Static Class in Java
In this article, I have explained about static class in java and how to use it, with an example.
Category C#
C# Split String into array
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Split a string into array in C# using Console application example
Category Technology
Compare 2 Files in VS Code
In this article, I have mentioned how we can compare two files side by side using Visual Studio Code.
Category C#
Create text file in C#
In this article, I have mentioned few possible ways to create a text file using C# console application example.
Category HTML
Change PNG image color using CSS
In this article, I have mentioned how we can change png image color using CSS in various possible ways.
Category C#
C# TimeSpan (With Example)
In this article, I have mentioned what is Timespan in C# and it's methods with console application examples
Category C#
SingleOrDefault vs FirstOrDefault in C#
In this article, I have mentioned difference between SingleOrDefault vs FirstOrDefault with console application example in C#.
Category Technology
Best Free SSL Certificate Providers
In this article, I have provided list of best free SSL certificate providers which you can use to install on your server or website to make it secure.
Category CSS
What is responsive web design and it's importance
In this article, I have provided a detailed explanation about what is responsive web design and how important it is for modern web development.
Category C#
Select vs SelectMany in C# With Example
In this article, I have mentioned difference between select and selectmany in C# linq with an example.
Category Technology
Top Fastest web hosting to host website
In this article, I have provided list of best available fastest web hosting on which you should host your new or old website to increase google search rankings.
Category Technology
Best WordPress alternatives (List with Pros and Cons of each)
In this article, I have provided details of best alternatives of WordPress, which a new blogger or e-commerce portal, you can consider as better alternative to WordPress.
Category Javascript
Parse CSV file data into Array Using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can load CSV file and parse CSV into array using Javascript
Category SQL
Delete (Drop) Database in SQL Server
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to delete or drop database in sql server using SSMS or using drop database using SQL query.
Category Technology
Split String into Array in Powershell
In this article, I have mentioned how we can split string into an array by delimiter using powershell with an example.
Category C#
Tic Tac Toe Game in C# Console application
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create tic tac toe game in C# Console application with source code.
Category Technology
Best Visual Studio Alternatives
In this article, I have mentioned more than 5 Visual Studio IDE Alternatives which you can try for coding in C#,C++ etc.
Category Technology
Change VS Code Terminal Font Size
In this article, I have mentioned how you can increase or decrease Visual Studio Code Terminal Font Size.
Category C#
String to Float in C# (Various ways)
In this article, I have mentioned, how we can convert string to float in C# using various possible ways with console application example.
Category C#
Read CSV file data in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can open and read CSV data in C# using the Console application example.
Category C#
Create a calculator in C# console application
In this article, I have mentioned how to create a calculator in c# console application with proper example and output.
Category C#
Generate Random alphanumeric strings in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can generate random alphanumeric strings in C# using various possible methods.
Category Technology
Best Project Management Software (Scrum tools) to use.
In this article, I have mentioned a list of the best available project management software or you can say the best scrum tools that a development team must use.
Category ASP.NET
Using Appsettings.Json in Program.cs in .NET Core 6+
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get values from appsettings.json in program.cs in .NET Core 6+
Category Javascript
Creating Toggle (Switch) button using Javascript and HTML
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create toggle button using Vanilla JavaScript and HTML/CSS with an example
Category Technology
Valueimpression vs Ezoic (Which is better?)
In this article, I have provided detailed comparison between 2 big ad networks for publishers, that is, Ezoic and Valueimpression.
Category C#
Foreach() vs Parallel.Foreach() in C#
In this article, I have mentioned difference between Foreach() and Parallel.Foreach() in C# with an example.
Category C#
Get Character to ASCII value in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get string character to ascii value using C# in console application example
Category C#
Multiple Fields Order By With Linq
In this article, I have mentioned how we can sort or order by using multiple columns in C# linq with a console application example.
Category Technology
Best Web Scraping Tools To Extract Data (Free/Paid)
In this article, I have provided list of best web scraping tools or software, available to extract data from a website, with there features.
Category C/C++
Switch case in C++ with example
In this article, I have provided switch case c++ example and how to use switch statement in c++
Category C#
Add values in C# array (Multiple ways)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can push or add new values in an array using C# Code in a multiple ways.
Category Technology
Change theme in Visual Studio
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to change Visual Studio theme or install a new theme.
Category C#
Set Default Value to Property in C#
In this article, I have mentioned with an example to set default value to a class property in C#
Category C#
Convert string to char or char array in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how you can easily convert string to char array in C# using .ToCharArray() and Char.Parse using Console application example.
Category C/C++
Introduction to C++ File handling
In this article, we have provided how to do basic file handling operations in C++ using ifstream and ofstream.
Category Amazon Web server
What is EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) in AWS
In this article, I have explained what is ec2 instance in AWS and how good it is to use for hosting a web-application.
Category ASP.NET
Best and Cheap Windows VPS Hosting Providers
In this article, I have provided list of best and cheap windows VPS hosting providers which are good for ASP.NET core or MVC or ASP.NET project
Category Javascript
Send email from Javascript
In this article, I have provided sample code to send email using Javascript with smtpjs api.
Category ASP.NET
DropDownList in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have mentioned how we can create ASP.NET Core dropdown list using Tag helpers.
Category SQL
Get Last 3 months records in SQL Server
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Get Last 3 months records in SQL Server with an example
Category SQL
Best SQL Server Tools for SQL Developers.
In this article, we have provided list of best SQL Server Tools (paid or free), which you can use with SQL Server with its features.
Category ASP.NET
Creating Cascading Dropdown list in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have mentioned how to create Cascading Dropdown list in ASP.NET Core MVC using EF Core and database tables.
Category SQL
What is database management system and it's types
In this article, I have explained what is a database management system with its advantages and types of database management system.
Category Bootstrap
Creating tooltip in bootstrap 4 with an example
In this article, you will understand how to create tooltip in bootstrap 4 with an example
Category C#
Clear Text File or Delete File in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can clear contents of a text file in C# or delete file completely in C# with console application example.
Category Photoshop
Photoshop tips that will help you for sure
Article gives detail about Photoshop tips and tricks that every designer should read, beginner or expert
Category C#
Convert EPOC (Unix) time stamp to Datetime in C#
In this article, I have showed a console application example to convert unix timestamp to datetime and datetime to unix time in C#.
Category C#
Deserialize XML string to Object in C#
In this article, I have mentioned a simple Console application example, which Deserialize XML string to C# Class object.
Category Technology
Generate CSR and Import SSL on IIS Windows Server
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create CSR on IIS on Windows Server and then import SSL Certificate on IIS server
Category Jquery
Useful jQuery-Ajax Plugins
Article gives brief introduction to various top jQuery plugins used with Ajax to improve user interface and performance
Category Javascript
Get File Size in MB/KB using Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get file size in Mb or KB using javascript or jquery
Category ASP.NET
Solving Error "JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected" .NET Core
In this article, I have mentioned how we can resolve error "JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected" which occur in .NET Core JSON call.
Category ASP.NET
File upload using Ajax in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have mentioned how we can upload file using AJAX in ASP.NET Core without form submit.
Category SQL
Import CSV file to MySQL (Query or using Workbench)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can import data from CSV to MySQL using query or using MySQL Workbench import wizard.
Category SQL
Microsoft SQL Server Versions List
In this article, I have mentioned about all the versions of Microsoft SQL Server, so you can decide which is good one for you.
Category CSS
Limit Text After 2 Lines in CSS (Line Clamping)
In this article, I have provided various examples of showing ellipses after 2 lines of text in HTML div using CSS
Category ASP.NET
jQuery Datatable Server side processing in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to use jQuery datatable with server side processing in ASP.NET core, with pagination, searching and sorting.
Category C/C++
File program in C (Open, Read and Write)
In this article, I have provided working examples of file opening, reading and writing using C programming language.
Category CSS
Top resources & tools to learn CSS easily
Articles gives brief introduction about the tools and resources which can make it easier & quicker to learn CSS
Category CSS
CSS essential tips & tricks for beginners
CSS is important for any web developer and here are few tips for beginners to learn & explore about it.
Category C#
Format Code in Visual Studio (With Indentation)
In this article, I have mentioned shortcut to format code in Visual Studio, which you can use format any document in Visual studio.
Category Javascript
Best Javascript Charting Libraries
In this article, I have provided list of various top quality Javascript chart libraries, which is useful for front-end developers and should be used in web-applications to show data efficiently.
Category SQL
Change theme in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS, Dark Mode)
In this article, I have mentioned how we can change SQL Server Management Studio (ssms) to dark mode theme, with little changes.
Category C#
Remove All WhiteSpace from string in C#
In this article, I have provided working example to remove all whitespace from string or trim spaces between characters in C#.
Category C#
Compare JSON using C# and Get difference
In this article, I have mentioned how we can compare JSON objects in C# and get difference using console application example.
Category SEO/SMO
6 Things to improve your google ranking using simple SEO tips
Improve your website's google rank using these On-Page SEO tips
Category ASP.NET
Zip-UnZip File in C# (.NET 4.5+ and .NET Core example)
In this article, I have provided working example of how we can zip or unzip using C# with examples in .NET 4.5+ Framework and .NET Core.
Category C#
Run CMD Commands Using C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can run CMD commands using C# and read the output in the Console application
Category SQL
How to Edit More than 200 rows in SQL Server
In this article, I have mentioned how we can increase limit to edit more than 200 rows in sql server using SSMS.
Category Technology
How to create .pfx file from certificate and private key
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to create .pfx file from .crt certificate and private key
Category Javascript
RGB to Hex and Hex to RGB using Javascript
In this article, I have provided sample code to convert RGB to Hex and Hex to RGB using Javascript, quickly and easily.
Category SQL
Get Date From Datetime in SQL Server
In this article, I have mentioned how to get date from datetime in sql server using various examples.
Category ASP.NET
Difference between Visual Studio Build, Re-build and Clean, solution
In this article, I have provided explanation of what is difference between Visual Studio clean, build and re-build options and when to use them.
Category Javascript
Useful Javascript Unit Testing Frameworks
In this article, I have provided list of useful Javascript Unit Testing Frameworks which a developer should use to make Javascript testing easy.
Category SQL
Convert Int To String (varchar) in SQL Server
In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert Int to string (varchar) in SQL Server using examples
Category SQL
TRIM(), LTRIM(), RTRIM() Functions in SQL Server
In this article, I have discussed about SQL Server TRIM(), LTRIM(), RTRIM() Functions in SQL Server with example
Category Amazon Web server
Top Amazon EC2 Alternatives
In this article, I have mentioned best Amazon (AWS) EC2 Alternatives with it's features, which you can use for cloud hosting services.
Category Web api
Upload or Send File in Postman
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to upload or send file in postman to web-api, for testing purpose.
Category SQL
Download and Install SQL Server Management Studio (Step by Step)
In this article, I have mentioned how you can download and install SQL Server management studio (SSMS) in your local pc and how to use SSMS.
Category C#
Get First Character or Nth Character of string in C#
In this article, I have mentioned few examples to get first or 2 characters of string in C# using SubString and other examples.
Category ASP.NET
jQuery Autocomplete Textbox in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have mentioned how you can create jquery autocomplete textbox using ajax in ASP.NET Core MVC
Category Javascript
Encrypt and Decrypt string in Javascript
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Encrypt and Decrypt string or text in Javascript to secure text.
Category SQL
Import data from Excel to SQL Server
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to import excel in SQL Server database using SSMS or using SQL Query.
Category HTML
How to create a login page in HTML and CSS
In this article, I have explained with sample code, how you can create a simple login form in HTML and CSS easily and quickly.
Category SQL
Free SQL Server Reporting Tools
In this article, I have provided list of free SQL server reporting tools with their features, so you can easily which sql server reporting tool will be good for your company.
Category C#
Convert C# Class to JSON with Example
In this article, I have explained how we can convert C# Class to JSON with an console application example.
Category Jquery
Useful jQuery Plugin's required for Web Development
These are the few top jQuery plugin's required by most of the web application developer
Category ASP.NET
C# FromQuery Example in ASP.NET Core API
In this article, I have explained what is FromQuery and how we can use it in ASP.NET Core Web API to get values from query string.
Category HTML
Best HTML Editors for developers (Free)
In this article, I have provided list of 8+ best free HTML editors which developers can use to write HTML, CSS, Javscript Code and check output or debug it.
Category C#
Convert CSV to JSON in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert CSV file into JSON using C# with an console application example.
Category Javascript
Implementing Javascript Drag and Drop using HTML5
In this article, I have explained how you can create drag and drop functionality in HTML 5 page using Javascript.
Category SEO/SMO
SEO tips to increase your Organic visits
This Article helps you gives basic tips and tricks to improve your organic traffic on your website
Category C#
Best C# programming course available online (Free OR paid)
In this article, I have provided the list of c# programming course or c# programming tutorial links, using which you learn C# online for free or by buying course available on Udemy.
Category C#
Create GUID in C# (Various examples)
In this article, I have mentioned what is GUID in C# and how we can create GUID in C# with various examples
Category ASP.NET
How to connect sql server database in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to connect to sql server database using Entity framework core in ASP.NET Core MVC
Category SQL
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Alternatives (Mac, Windows, Linux)
In this article, I have mentioned SQL Server management studio (SSMS) alternatives for windows, mac and Linux, which you can try to use.
Category Javascript
Top Alternatives of jQuery
Article gives introduction about top alternatives of jQuery, which you can use instead of jQuery
Category Technology
Show or Hide Whitespace, Tabs in Visual Studio
In this article, I have provided example to display or hide Whitespace, Tabs in Visual Studio by clicking shortcuts.
Category ASP.NET
Using query string in ASP.NET
In this article, I have explained what is query string in and how to use query string to pass parameters or value from one form page to another web-form page.
Category SQL
Convert Month Number to Month Name in SQL
In this article, I have mentioned, how we can convert month number to month name in sql server, mysql and oracle database.
Category SEO/SMO
Importance of Structuring URLs for SEO
This post shows importance of structuring URLs for SEO to improve website's search rank.
Category SQL
Import an SQL file in MySQL (Using CMD or Powershell)
In this article, I mentioned how we can Import an SQL file in MySQL (Using CMD or Powershell or using MySQL Workbench) easily and quickly.
Category Technology
Useful Visual Studio Extensions (Plugins), every developer should use.
In this article, I have provided list of useful visual studio extensions and plugins, which every developer working with Visual Studio IDE must use.
Category Azure
Upload file to Azure Blob Storage using C#
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to upload file to Azure Blob Storage using C# in simple Console application.
Category C#
Convert List to Dictionary in C# (Various ways)
In this article, I have mentioned various possible methods to convert list to dictionary in C#
Category SQL
Extract String after a character or before character in SQL Server
In this article, i have mentioned how we can Extract String after a character or before character in SQL Server with examples
Category Technology
Best Source Code Management tools (Version Control tools)
In this article, I have provided list of source code management tools which a developer must use for branching, pull, push etc requests.
Category HTML
Create Image editor using HTML CSS quickly
Creates an image editor using HTML5, CSS, Jquery
Category ASP.NET
What is .NET framework? & Understanding .NET framework architecture
In this article, I have explained what is .net framework, how we use it and for what we use .net. Article also explains about .NET framework architecture.
Category Bootstrap
Plugins for extending Bootstrap framework
Here are the few bootstrap plugin's which must be used to enhance Bootstrap framework capability
Category Javascript
Form validation in javascript
In this article, I have provided complete step by step procedure to validate form in javascript, without using any external library.
Category ASP.NET
Using CKEditor (Rich-Text Editor) in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure on how to add CKEditor in ASP.Net Core Project and use it to save data in the database.
Category Javascript
Google places autocomplete example without Map in Javascript
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to show google places autocomplete example without map in HTML input textbox.
Category Javascript
Toggle Password input field using Javascript (Show/hide password)
In this article, I have provided working example to show or hide (toggle) password input field using Javascript, with an example.
Category Technology
Run CMD Command Using Powershell
In this article, I have mentioned how we can run CMD Command prompt commands using Powershell easily in various possible ways.
Category Technology
Best Computer / Laptops for programmers to code
In this article, you can find about best laptops for programmers to code, which can help you build/develop high-quality software, web-application, mobile application etc
Category SQL
Creating SQL Server Database using SQL Server Management Studio
In this article, I have provided step by step details with images about how to create a database in sql server using SQL Server management studio easily.
Category SEO/SMO
Important tools to boost your new website
In this articles I have provided list of various tools which will help you to build or optimize your new website to improve SEO results and increase website traffic.
Category SQL
Remove all whitespace from string in SQL Server
In this article, I have provided working examples to remove all spaces from a string in SQL Server.
Category Bootstrap
How to create responsive Bootstrap Nabvar
Tutorial to understand Bootstrap and create responsive navbar using bootstrap 3 step by step
Category C#
Convert JSON to CSV in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert JSON string to CSV in C# with an console application example
Category Technology
Show tabs and spaces in Visual studio code
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Show or hide tabs and spaces in Visual studio code.
Category C#
Serialize List to JSON in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Serialize List to JSON using C# with console application example.
Category ASP.NET
Difference between AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have provided answer to question, what is difference between AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton in ASP.NET Core
Category C#
Abstract class in C#
This article provides you detail explanation of c# abstract keyword and class, with working example in console application.
Category ASP.NET
File upload on AWS S3 using C# in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have provided step by step guide to upload file on Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 using C# in ASP.NET Core MVC
Category Java
Best Java IDE for making easy to code in Java. (Eclipse, Netbeans or Any other?)
In this article, I have provided list of best java IDE which makes Java programming easy for beginners or students to learn Java.
Category Technology
AWS vs DigitalOcean (Which is better? with Price Comparison)
In this article, I have provided hosting plans and pricing comparison between AWS and DigitalOcean, with advantages, so you can decide which provider is better for you business.
Category ASP.NET
Treeview in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create treeview in ASP.NET Core MVC using jsTree.
Category ASP.NET
Best .NET APM tools to consider for your .NET application
In this article, I have provided a list of best .net or .net core APM tools which a developer or technical lead of team should consider using in his .NET application
Category HTML
Add text on mouseover or hover element in HTML
In this article, I have mentioned, how you can show text on mouseover or hover any HTML element using HTML only.
Category SQL
Get month and year in sql server from date
In this article, I have mentioned how we can get month and year in sql server from datetime or date value.
Category C/C++
Program to check if input is int or float in C
In this article, I have provided sample C programming code to check if a given input is int or float data type in C
Category ASP.NET
Download and Install IIS URL Rewrite
In this article, I have mentioned how we can download and install IIS URL rewrite which can be helpful in creating rules.
Category Technology
Best AWS S3 Free Alternatives
In this article, I have provided list of best free alternatives to amazon web service (aws) s3 storage, with there features and free plans details.
Category HTML
Rotate image using HTML and CSS
In this article, I am will be providing you working sample to rotate image using CSS in HTML using CSS property like Transform.
Category ASP.NET
Bulk Insert in ASP.NET Core MVC using Entity Framework Core
In this article, I have provided sample code with an example for fast way of inserting data in database using Entity framework core bulk insert.
Category C#
Convert List to string in C# (Comma-separated, New-Line)
In this article, I have provided example to convert List into comma-separated string or New line separated using C#.
Category ASP.NET
Large file upload with Progress bar in ASP.NET Core (using Tus)
In this article, I have explained how we can upload large files in ASP.NET Core MVC C# project with progress bar using Tus
Category C#
Extension Methods in C# (Explanation With Example)
In this article, I have explained about extension methods in C# with an example which helps us to re-use the same C# method at different parts of code.
Category Jquery
Making all fields of Form as Read only (Disabled) using jQuery on page load.
In this short article, I have explained how we can disable all the fields in a form using jquery on page load.
Category C#
Convert String to List in C# and string array to list
In this article, I have provided sample code to convert comma separated string into list using C# or convert string array into list in C# console application.
Category C#
Resize image in C# (Console application example)
In this article, I have provided working console application example code, in which we will resize image using C# code.
Category Technology
Check Visual Studio version OR VS Code version
In this article, I have mentioned how we can Check Visual Studio version or Visual Studio Code Version using various possible methods
Category Jquery
Client side validation using jQuery Validate
This article explains, how to validate a form using Jquery validate plugin in ASP.NET MVC using Razor
Category C#
Extract Text from image in C# using Tesseract
In this article, I have provided a console application example to extract text from image in c# using Tesseract OCR in .NET
Category ASP.NET
Sending data to Controller using jQuery AJAX in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have provided working example to send data to C# ASP.NET Core MVC controller using jQuery AJAX Post method call.
Category ASP.NET
Creating Google charts in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have provided working example to use google charts in core web-application by returning JSON data from server.
Category HTML
Best 5+ Free HTML Rich Text Editor to use
In this article, I have provided list of best free HTML rich text editor, with there features, which a developer can use.
Category C#
Widely asked C# Programming interview questions with answers
In this article, I have provided list of most widely used C# interview questions and answers, which a beginner or advanced developer should know.
Category C#
Transfer e-mails from one exchange server to another using EWS Api in C# .NET
Transfer e-mails from one exchange server to another using EWS Api in C# .net MVC
Category Web api
Get Vs post in Rest API
In this article, I have provided details about post vs get rest api or you can difference between GET and POST, so you can understand when to use which type.
Category Web api
Web API tutorial for beginners
Article give's brief idea of Web API and how to use it in Asp.NET MVC C#
Category C#
Encrypt and Decrypt files in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how you can encrypt or decrypt files using Cryptography and using FileInfo method in C#
Category Technology
Visual Studio Version List
In this article, I have mentioned what is Visual Studio and about Visual Studio IDE Version list and about it's various editions.
Category C#
Hello World C# program with explanation of code
In this article, I have provided code to print hello world in C# using Visual Studio console application with explanation of code for beginners.
Category Technology
Best APM Open Source Tools (Top 10 apm tools)
In this article, I have provided list of various free and open source APM (application performance monitoring) tools available to use.
Category Web api
Create Web-API in Visual Studio 2022 Step by Step
In this article, I have mentioned step by step procedure to create web-api in Visual studio using .NET Core and calling it using jQuery.
Category Javascript
Nested and Complex JSON examples
In this article, I have posted sample nested json example and complex JSON examples, by checking which you can create your JSON to send data on Server side.
Category ASP.NET
Return JSONResult in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have provided working example to return json or you can say jsonresult in core MVC with status code.
Category Technology
How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio (VS) Code
In this article, I have mentioned how you can comment out multiple lines in Visual Studio code, with other useful shortcuts
Category Technology
Best IDE for Web Development (C#, ASP.NET, Java , PHP, HTML, Javascript)
In this article, I am providing list of various IDE and Editor which is suitable for Web development in Java, PHP, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.
Category SQL
Drop all tables of SQL Server Database
In this article, I have provided various possible ways to delete all tables of SQL Server database, without deleting the main database.
Category Javascript
Read or Generate QR Code using Javascript
In this article, I will provide you sample JavaScript code to read or generate qr code, basically how to generate qr code using Javascript.
Category Javascript
Toggle Class (Javascript based, without jQuery)
In this article, I have provided working example on how to toggle class using pure Javascript and without using jQuery.
Category C#
Understanding Unit testing in C# With Example
In this article, I have provided the basics of Unit testing in C# with example and have also explained why it is important to use Unit testing.
Category ASP.NET
Model Validation in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have explained about what is Model Validation and Model binding in ASP.NET Core MVC and how to validate form using Model validation in ASP.NET Core MVC.
Category C#
C# Create OR Generate Word Document using DocX
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to generate word document using C# and DocX library, which is easy and fast to use.
Category C#
Bundling and Minification in MVC C#
In this article, I will explain how you can implement bundling and minification in your ASP.NET MVC application(step by step) which improves your web-application performance.
Category C#
String Interpolation in C# with examples
In this article, I have explained about $ -C# string interpolation and how to use it in C# with console application examples
Category Java
Program to remove duplicate elements in an array in Java
In this article, I have provided various working code solutions to remove duplicate elements from an array in Java
Category ASP.NET
Implementing Google reCaptcha in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained step by step, how we can implement google reCaptcha in mvc application, to protect your MVC website from spam.
Category SQL
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Versions
In this article, I have provided list of all SQL Server management studio (SSMS) versions release by Microsoft until now with it's download links.
Category Javascript
Read JSON file with Javascript
In this article, I have explained how we can read JSON file with JavaScript easily and can parse it.
Category C#
Convert PDF to Image in C# (Console Application Example)
In this article, I have provided sample code to convert PDF file to image using C#, we will be using PDFium library for this.
Category Javascript
Using Google Translate to translate language using HTML- Javascript.
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to add google translate on a website to translate languages using HTML and Javascript.
Category ASP.NET
Best Reporting Tool for ASP.NET (MVC, Core or Web-Forms)
In this article, I have listed all the best available free or paid reporting tools for core, mvc and web-forms, which you should consider for generating reports.
Category HTML
Responsive center image using pure CSS or Bootstrap 3/4
In this article, I have provided code to align image in center using CSS or Bootstrap 3 or 4 version in HTML for desktop or mobile or tablet view.
Category ASP.NET
Bootstrap Pop Up Modal Validation in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this article, I have provided working example to validate form inside bootstrap pop-up modal in core MVC using Data Annotations and AjaxBeginForm
Category Javascript
Generating GUID/UUID using Javascript (Various ways)
In this article, I have provided details on how to create or generate guid / uuid using Javascript easily, in various possible ways.
Category Jquery
Useful and amazing jQuery table plugins to use in web-applications
In this article, I have provided list of very useful and amazing jquery table plugins which a developer can use in web-applications to make development easier.
Category SQL
SQL Comments (Comment in SQL Query)
In this article, I have provided example to add comment in SQL Query for SQL Server, MySQL and in Postgres
Category Technology
Ezoic vs Adsense (Which is better? With Ezoic Review)
In this article, I have provided Ezoic review, after using it for more than a year and also compared Ezoic vs adsense in this article, so you can which one to use for blog earnings.
Category Technology
Black Friday Deals
In this article, I have provided upcoming black friday web hosting deals, black friday SEO deals and programming deals.
Category Javascript
Creating copy to clipboard using Javascript or jQuery
In this article, I have provided sample code with output for how to create copy to clipboard functionality using javascript or jQuery
Category ASP.NET
Implementing Payment Gateway in C# (ASP.NET Core MVC Razorpay Example)
In this article, I have provided working example to integrate payment gateway in C# using ASP.NET Core MVC web-application as an example.
Category Amazon Web server
How to Reboot AWS Instance (Restart EC2, Various Ways)
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure about how to reboot or restart AWS EC2 Instance using AWS console or CLI or using Powershell
Category ASP.NET
Export to Excel C# GridView in ASP.NET Web-Form
In this article, I have provided working sample to export GridView data to excel using C# without using any external library.
Category Javascript
Autocomplete Textbox using Javascript
In this article, I have provided sample code with output to create autocomplete textbox using Javascript and using HTML5 Datalist tag also.
Category Jquery
Top jQuery UI Alternatives
Article lists and gives brief introduction about top jQuery UI Alternative javascript libraries
Category ASP.NET
Creating GridView in ASP.NET Core MVC with Paging
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create grid view in ASP.NET Core MVC with data from database using Entity Framework and Bootstrap pagination.
Category Amazon Web server
Resize or Upgrade AWS EC2 Instance
In this article, I have provided step by step guide to resize or upgrade amazon web server (aws) ec2 instance using AWS console.
Category ASP.NET
Send mail in ASP.NET (Web-Form using C#)
In this article, I have provided sample code to send email in web form using C# code, i have also provided code to send email with attachment in ASP.NET
Category ASP.NET
Save Selected Dropdown and Text value in database in ASP.NET Web-Forms
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create dropdown from database and add new dropdown values in database in ASP.NET Web-Forms.
Category ASP.NET
Convert PDF to HTML using C# in ASP.NET MVC
In this example, I have explained how you can convert PDF to HTML using C# and pdftohtml.exe in ASP.NET MVC
Category Bootstrap
Adding bootstrap datetime picker in HTML Form ( Example with step by step procedure )
In this article, I have explained how you can use and add bootstrap datetime picker in your HTML form using js, with step by step example.
Category SQL
Validate Email address in SQL Server
In this article, I have provided example query, by executing which you can validate email address in SQL Server.
Category C#
C# Regex Examples and Basics
In this article, we have provided examples of C# Regex (Regular Expression) with sample cases and testing them in C# Console application with explanation of what is Regular Expression in C#.
Category SQL
Best Free SQL Server database hosting
In this article, I have provided list of best free or cheap sql hosting providers available with there features.
Category HTML
How to create mailto html anchor tag link? (Including subject, body)
In this short article, I have explained how you can create a email link in html using mailto html format in anchor tag, with and without including subject to open default email program of user.
Category ASP.NET
Custom Error pages in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained how you can show custom errors in ASP.NET MVC web-application using web.config and Controller settings.
Category C#
Serialization & Deserialization in C# With Console application example
In this article, I have explained the concept of Serialization & Deserialization Class object in C# with an working console application example.
Category ASP.NET
Redirect from non-www to www website using IIS (and Vice-Versa)
In this article, we will see how we can redirect from non-www website to www website url using IIS URL re-write feature or using web.config.
Category SQL
Top SQL tips for beginners (a must read)
Article give details about SQL, tips, and tricks for beginners
Category Web api
Top ASP.NET Web API Interview questions and answers
In this article, I have provided various web api interview questions for junior to senior level of developers, which can help all api developers to learn and improve there skills.
Category ASP.NET
How to debug in visual studio? ( Tutorial to debug C# code )
In this article, I have explained how you can debug your code in visual studio, line by line and make developer life easier using visual studio debugging tool.
Category HTML
Creating Underline text in HTML (With or Without CSS)
In this article, I have provided working sample to create underlined text in HTML without CSS and using CSS property like text-decoration or border-bottom.
Category Javascript
Using Google maps Javascript api in HTML (Show location with Marker)
In this article, I have explained how you can use google maps JavaScript API to use it your HTML web-page with markers and text on click, to use it in contact us page.
Category HTML
How to change color of SVG (Various ways using CSS)
In this article, I have explained how we can change the color of SVG using CSS in various possible ways.
Category Bootstrap
Select only Year in Bootstrap Datepicker
In this article, I am going to provide you working sample to show or select only Year in bootstrap datepicker with a working example and code.
Category HTML
Export html table to excel using jQuery / Javascript
This article provides you working sample code to export HTML table to excel file using jQuery plugin and JavaScript function (Separate code with working example)
Category C#
Async-await keyword in C# explained with Console application example
In this article, I have explained about the async-await keyword in C# and how to use asynchronous programming in c#, explained with console application sample.
Category ASP.NET
Using Chart in ASP.NET (Pie chart in ASP.NET)
In this article, I have explained and provided example to create dynamic pie chart in using database data and chart control.
Category Bootstrap
Vertical Carousel (Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 With jQuery)
In this article, I am providing sample code to create vertical carousel using bootstrap 4 with HTML5 or using creating vertical carousel using jQuery.
Category Jquery
Top 10 Table sorting jQuery-Javascript plugins
This article gives basic information about widely used jquery and javascript based plugins for table sorting available on the internet
Category Web api
Quick Tip to convert JSON into class object
After reading this article, you can easily convert JSON into class using Visual Studio in-built feature.
Category ASP.NET
Validating Email in ASP.NET using Regularexpressionvalidator
In this article, I have explained how you can validate email address or apply email validation using regularexpressionvalidator email validator in web forms.
Category ASP.NET
Read OR Generate QR Code in ASP.NET Core
In this article, I have provided working example code to read or generate QR Code in ASP.NET Core using ZXing.NET Core Library.
Category CSS
Creating sticky header on scroll using CSS
In this article, I have explained how you can create a sticky header navigation bar on scroll using CSS easily and how to create sticky div on scroll using plain Javascript.
Category ASP.NET
Form Submit in ASP.NET Core MVC using Tag Helpers
In this article, I have explained how to submit form in ASP.NET Core MVC using tag helpers and get data in controller to save it in database.
Category SQL
Query in Sql server to list all stored procedures in all databases
In this short article, I have provided simple query using which we can list all stored procedures in all database of SQL server or all stored procedures of specific database.
Category ASP.NET
Upload file to Google Drive using Service Account in C# MVC (With Impersonation)
In this article, I have explained how we can upload file to google drive using service account, using domain wide delegation and impersonation in ASP.NET MVC.
Category C#
How to add a item or multiple items in C# List
In this article, I am going to provide you example to create list and add items in list in C# and how to add multiple items at once in list.
Category Jquery
Read XML using jQuery & load it in HTML Table
In this article, I have provided code to read and extract XML using jQuery Ajax and load XML content in HTML Table to view it properly.
Category C#
Understanding Enums in C# & it's advantages with example
This article will give you introduction of Enums in C# and will help you understand where we should use it in real world and gives it advantages.
Category SQL
Download and Install SQL Server (Step by Step procedure)
In this article, I have provided the guide to download and install sql server database on your machine with step by step procedure.
Category C#
How to read and write in Console app using C#?
In this article, I have explained how to read and write in C# console applications using Console.ReadLine(), Console.WriteLine() methods in C# for basic, input and output using Console.
Category C#
Converting JSON to XML OR XML to JSON using C#
In this article, I have provided working sample to convert JSON to XML OR XML to JSON using C# with an working example.
Category Javascript
Email Validation using Javascript (With OR Without Regex)
In this article, I have explained about various possible methods for JavaScript email validation with regex and without regex, with example.
Category ASP.NET
File upload in ASP.NET Core MVC (Single or Multiple files)
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to upload files in core mvc using IFormFile, single or multiple files, with examples.
Category C#
Sealed Class in C# (Explanation with example)
This Article provides you complete information with working example of sealed class and methods in C# and how it can be useful for you.
Category SQL
Uniqueidentifier in SQL Server
In this article, I have provided details about what is uniqueidentifier in sql server, how to create one and use it in SQL Server.
Category C#
How to get file extension or file size in C# ? ( Code With Example )
In this tutorial article, I have provided sample code with examples, which shows how to get file extension from file name and file size in C#
Category ASP.NET
jQuery Autocomplete implementation in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained how you can implement autocomplete of textbox using jQuery in ASP.NET MVC and database.
Category HTML
Creating nested tables in HTML ( Example with code)
In this article, I have provided code sample to create nested HTML tables, means how to create layout with table tag inside table in HTML.
Category ASP.NET
Image control in ASP.NET (Upload Image & Display it in Image Control)
In this article, I have explained, how you can use image control in with an example and how we to show uploaded image in Image Control
Category Javascript
Easy way to convert HTML to PDF using Javascript
In this article, I have provided sample code with output to convert HTML to PDF using Javascript, using jsPDF library or without using any library.
Category Jquery
jQuery Datatable implementation in MVC C#
Article demonstrate the implementation of jquery Datatable in ASP.NET MVC C#
Category Javascript
How to get user location using Javascript / HTML5 Geolocation?
In this article, I am going to provide you few solutions using which you can get user location using JavaScript or HTML5 Geolocation with example.
Category ASP.NET
MVC tutorial part-2 connecting to database, fetching/inserting data
This article describes basic of MVC C#, connecting the ASP.NET MVC web application to database using ADO.NET Entity Framework, reading and inserting data to database.
Category C#
Multiple ways to add newline into a String in C#
In this short article, I have provided multiple ways to add a line break into a string using C# with Console Application example.
Category C#
Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) concepts in c# with example
OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming, in this article I have introduced you the concept of Object-Oriented Programming in C# with example
Category ASP.NET
Calling Web Method in ASP.NET from jQuery Ajax
This article will give you quick example on how to call Web Method of ASP.NET using Ajax in jQuery.
Category SQL
Tools to Compare Two SQL Server Database
In this article, I have provided list of various tools which can compare two SQL Server database schema and highlights the difference between the two.
Category Javascript
Convert Text to HTML using Javascript
In this article, I have provided working example with code to convert plain text into HTML using Javascript or jQuery.
Category Javascript
Best Javascript drag and drop library
In this article, I have introduced you to few useful JavaScript plugins which can help you can create javascript based drag and drop functionality.
Category ASP.NET
jQuery Datatable Server side pagination, sorting and filtering in ASP.NET MVC C#
In this article, I have provided step by step explanation about how we can achieve server side pagination, sorting and filtering in ASP.NET MVC using database table.
Category C#
Read OR Write OR Modify Web.Config file using C#
In this article, I have explained and provided code to read, write or modify values from web.config file programmatically using C# code.
Category ASP.NET
Download multiple files as ZIP archive in ASP.NET MVC (DotNetZip example)
In this article, I have explained how you can download files as ZIP easily using DotNetZip library in ASP.NET MVC C#.
Category C#
Simple C# code examples with output (Console application example)
In this article, I have provided list of various examples of C# programs with output and explanation of basic code, which will help beginner or students to learn C# easily.
Category ASP.NET
Import Excel data in Sql server database in ASP.NET Core MVC using OleDb
In this article, I have provided step by step code to import excel rows into sql server database in core mvc
Category ASP.NET
How to get month name from month number in C#?
In this short article, I have explained how you can get month name in C# easily in any format, using Datetime.
Category ASP.NET
Best Free ASP.NET Hosting Providers
In this article, I have provided few best free asp net hosting websites, which can be useful to publish demo application for free.
Category C#
MySQL Connection in C# (Console Application Example)
In this article, I have provided working sample to connect to MySQL in C# using Visual Studio with Console application example.Also , how to insert new row in MySQL database in C# and Visual Studio.
Category ASP.NET
Convert ASPX page to PDF in ASP.NET using iTextSharp
In this article, I have explained and showed a demo of how you can convert ASPX page into PDF using iTextSharp in your web-application.
Category Javascript
Read PDF file using Javascript
In this article, I have provided example to read content of pdf file using Javascript with code explanation.
Category C#
Various star pattern program in c#
In this article, I have show example of various star pattern programs in C# with code and there output.
Category C#
Barcode generator in C# ( and how to read barcode )
In this article, I have provided sample code, which you can use in C# MVC or Win-Form or any other C# app to generate barcode Type 128 / UPCA/ 11 and read barcode in C#.
Category Jquery
Email validation using jQuery (Various Methods)
In this article, I have provided various ways for email validation using jquery which includes Regex or without using regex in jquery
Category ASP.NET
Use of Ajax.BeginForm in ASP.NET MVC C#
This article gives a brief introduction to Ajax.BeginForm & explains how to use it in ASP.NET MVC C#
Category ASP.NET
File Upload in ASP.NET (Web-Forms Upload control example)
In this article, I have explained how we can upload file in web-forms using asp file upload control, step by step.
Category C#
Converting String to Enum OR Enum to String in C#
In this article, I have explained with a console application example, how you can convert string to enum in C# OR Enum to string
Category ASP.NET
Form Submit in ASP.NET MVC C# (HTML.BeginForm Example)
In this article, I have explained about HTML.BeginForm in ASP.NET MVC and how to submit form in mvc C# using simple example.
Category ASP.NET
Understanding ASP.NET Gridview control with an example
In this article, I have explained about how we can create gridview in and how to bind gridview with data in Sql server database, with an example.
Category SQL
Check database size in Sql server ( Various Ways explained)
In this article, I have explained, how you can check database size in SQL server using various possible ways, easily.
Category ASP.NET
Remote Validations in MVC (Check if Email id exists in database)
In this article, I have explained how we can use Remote validations in MVC to check if username or email id is already registered and saved in database or not while registering a user.
Category SQL
Download AdventureWorks Database and Restore in SQL server (Step by Step)
In this article, I am going to provide steps to download AdventureWorks sample database and restore in SQL server to do sample tasks or learn SQL server with this AdventureWorks sample database.
Category C#
Hello World Visual Studio Code C# Example
In this article, I have provided step by step procedure to create hello world program in C# using Visual Studio Code and how to create new console project in it.
Category C#
Open and Read XML in C# (Examples using Linq, XMLReader, XMLDocument)
In this article, I have provided C# code to open and read XML file node using XMLReader or using Linq in Console application, with example of which one is fastest.
Category ASP.NET
How to enable caching in IIS
Explains how to enable caching in IIS so that performance of website is improved by not requesting same content again
Category C#
How to write to excel in C#? ( Text, adding images / styling in Excel)
In this article, I have explained how you can create excel or write to excel file using C# and EPPlus library, which also show how to add images in excel, merge columns, style text, using EPPlus
Category Javascript
Read CSV file in Javascript and HTML5 FileReader (Multiple ways)
In this article, I have explained how you can read or parse CSV file using JavaScript with HTML5 FileReader and using jQuery with External API, second way.
Category ASP.NET
Enabling CORS in IIS (Various possible methods)
In this article, I have provided various possible methods to enable CORS using IIS server configuration, using C# or Web.Config or using IIS manager.
Category ASP.NET
Load partial view using jQuery Ajax in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I will explain how to load partial view using jquery ajax in MVC inside main view and show data without redirecting to another page using Bootstrap pop-up modal.
Category ASP.NET
Solving error "the breakpoint will not currently be hit" in Visual studio ( Multiple ways)
In this article, I have provided multiple ways to resolve error "the breakpoint will not currently be hit, no symbols have been loaded for this document" in visual studio.
Category ASP.NET
Paging in Bootstrap pop-up Modal in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I am going to provide you step by step procedure to implement paging in bootstrap pop-up modal in ASP.NET MVC
Category ASP.NET
How to connect oracle database in using c#
In this article, I have explained, how you can quickly and easily connect to oracle database in project using C#.
Category C#
Read file in C# ( Text file example using Console Application )
In this article, I have explained and provided code to read text file in C# ( line by line or complete text file into string) using Console application example in .NET Framework and .NET Core.
In this article, I have provided many useful shortcut keyboard keys to use while coding in Visual Studio, for example shortcut to comment a code, collapse a code region, edit multiple lines etc
Category ASP.NET
Dropdown List in MVC using Razor HTML.DropdownList and HTML.DropdownListFor
In this article, I have explained how you can create dropdown list in razor using HTML.DropdownList and HTML.DropdownListFor in mvc.
Category Javascript
Convert html to word with images (Using Javascript OR Using jQuery plugin)
In this article, I have explained, how you can convert your html document into word .doc using jQuery plugin OR simply by using Javascript function.
Category ASP.NET
Create, Edit & delete using Web api & jQuery datatable server side processing
This article is part-2 of the jQuery datatable server side using Web API which will explain, how to create, edit, delete (CRUD) using WEB API and jquery Datatable in MVC C#, check part-1 for searching, sorting with Web API
Category SQL
How to back up SQL Server database?
This article explains various ways to backup SQL Server database using C#, using Powershell script, by generating scripts in SQL server or writing a script.
Category ASP.NET
jQuery datatable server side processing with Web API in ASP.NET MVC
This article explains you about performing Searching, sorting, paging operation in jQuery datatable using Ajax & server side processing with ASP.NET WEB API in C#
Category ASP.NET
Email Address Validation in C# (With and without Regex)
In this article, I have explained how we can validate email address using regex ( regular expression in C#) and without it also using Data annotation with an example.
Category Jquery
Send data to MVC C# controller using jQuery Ajax
Article explains how to send data to C# MVC controller using jquery Ajax
Category ASP.NET
Paging, sorting and filtering in ASP.NET MVC C#
This article is part-3 tutorial of development in MVC C#, which explains, sorting, paging, and filtering in MVC table.
Category ASP.NET
Bind Data to Gridview using jQuery Ajax & WebMethod in ASP.NET
In this article, I have explained how to bind data to grid view using jQuery Ajax & web-method in step by step (no postback required)
Category ASP.NET
Using Google Charts in ASP.NET MVC (With Example)
This article provides you an example of using google chart (pie chart) in ASP.NET MVC by fetching data from database as JSON
Category SQL
Import csv into SQL server (with query OR without query using SSMS)
In this article, I have explained how you can import data from csv file into sql server using query and without query import csv into database using SQL server management studio.
Category ASP.NET
Background jobs in ASP.NET MVC C# using
In this article, I will explain you, how to start background jobs in mvc using by showing an example of sending emails in the background in MVC C#
Category SQL
How to check sql server version? (Various ways explained)
In this article, I am going to provide you various possible ways to check SQL server version, by following these simple steps.
Category SQL
Stored procedure in sql server (With Example)
In this article, I have explained basics and important points to understand stored procedure in sql server with examples.
Category C#
In Memory cache C# (Explanation with example)
In this article, I have explained about in memory cache in C# with an console application example in .NET and .NET Core, how to add cache item, remove it, update it or get it's value.
Category ASP.NET
Import excel data in sql server database table using C# in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained, how you can import excel file data into sql server database table using C#, SqlBulkCopy in ASP.NET MVC.
Category ASP.NET
jQuery File Upload with progress bar in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I am going to provide solution for uploading file using jQuery ajax & bootstrap progress bar to show upload progress to user in ASP.NET MVC
Category C#
Using Entity framework join (EF join) to join two or more tables
In this article, I will explain how we can easily implement inner join on data of two or more tables using entity framework join (ef join) in ASP.NET MVC C#.
Category ASP.NET
Export HTML to PDF in MVC using iTextSharp or Rotativa (Step by step explanation)
This article gives you a complete explanation of different useful ways to export HTML to PDF in ASP.NET MVC C# using Rotativa and iTextsharp step by step with example
Category ASP.NET
Export data to excel (.xlsx & .xls) file using ASP.NET MVC C#
This article will help you explain step by step procedure to export table created using database to excel file using MVC C# and open source EPPLus & NPOI
Category C#
Generate Class from XSD in C# (Using CMD or Visual Studio)
In this article, I have explained an easy way to generate class file from XSD in C# using XSD.exe in command prompt or using Visual Studio.
Category Javascript
Read Excel file using Javascript (XLSX or XLS)
In this article, I am going to explain how you can read or parse excel file using javascript and show it's content in HTML table. Explained for both .xlsx or .xls file
Category ASP.NET
Bootstrap tabs with dynamic content loading in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I will explain you how you can load dynamic content inside bootstrap tabs when user clicks on it using ASP.NET MVC, AJAX and partial views.
Category ASP.NET
Upload file to Google Drive using Google Drive API in ASP.NET MVC C#
In this article, I have explained how you can upload file to Google drive using Google api and OAuth in ASP.NET MVC C# and how to create folder, list files.
Category Web api
Token based authentication in C# using Web API
In this article, I have explained how you can create token based authentication in C# using Web API, step by step with an example.
Category ASP.NET
Validate Pop Up Modal using Ajax.Beginform in C# MVC
Articles explain how to perform validation in bootstrap pop-up modal in MVC C# using Ajax.Beginform & save data in database without re-loading page.
Category C#
Get IP Address using C# (Local and Public IP Example)
In this article, I have provided sample code to get client ip address using C#, I will be providing example of both, public IP and local IP using Console application.
Questions Asked
Answers 1
how can i validate model in web api?
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What is the difference between page RPM and impression RPM?
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What is DA & PA in SEO?
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How we use tempdata in controller from another controller in mvc?
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Update page without loading it using PartialView
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How to calculate distance between two geolocation?
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how can i create text box with side arrow?
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New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session
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Child li dorpdown is not covering width as parent li in navigation
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400. That’s an error. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - Google OAuth Authentication
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how can i create text box with side arrow?
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how can i validate model in web api?
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how can i validate email using javascript?
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How to retrieve an int from Stored Procedure and not an objectResult using EF ???
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How to calculate distance between two geolocation?
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How to use switch case statement in stored procedure?
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How to gray out data which is before start time in list view of Web forms?
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How to gray out data which is before start time in list view of Web forms?
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Error implementing Paging in MVC C#
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Redirect users to a view using Switch case in MVC?
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How to Pass a value from (.aspx) page to HTML page
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Dynamically Create Grid View on another Gridview row Index
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How to reset the column value using sql and knockout js in MVC?
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Difference between LocalDb and SQL SERVER Software?
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How should i display first 10 records at a time in sql (paging in SQL)?
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How should i display first 10 records at a time in sql (paging in SQL)?
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How to save weekend values in Database?
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how to disable "Chrome script debugging in Visual Studio is enabled" in Visual Studio 2017?
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Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus
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ASP.NET Core - Dependency Injection
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Dynamic Menu Tree View from Database
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How to deploy MVC 4 Razor ASP.NET website on
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Error "your connection is not private" when Setting up IIS to use https
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How to append jQuery bootstrap calender on dynamically created element in ASP.NET MVC?
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Error: Requires either publish_to_groups permission and app being installed in the group, or manage_pages and publish_pages.. when posting on facebook pages using Graph API explorer
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FB popup not back in the web main windows, but stay in the popup
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how to show confirm box when clicking link (a href tag)?
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How to send browser push Notification using web-forms?
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How to Add shopping cart buttons to recycleview In Android?
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Get sum from three table and selected data using SQL
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Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'.
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Remove duplicates from datatable in C#
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Fetch multiple table data using Single Query in ASP.NET using Entity framework.
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Is it possible to call single usercontrol in Aspx page with multiple data and how?
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how to show confirm box when clicking link (a href tag)?
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Why does my vscode wont go as tree view?
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How can I call base class constructor from derived class in C#?
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how to export data to excel using boiler plate MVC5?
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How to create realtime video conference application using ASP.NET MVC?
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PUT vs POST in RESTful services?
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How to open sql server configuration manager in windows 10?
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Alternatives to iFrame tag in HTML?
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Read Excel file on page load from url and show contents
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Read Excel file on page load from url and show contents
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How we can open torrent files in C#
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How to send the push notification to browser using html5 and javascript ?
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Difference between LocalDb and SQL SERVER Software?
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How do i remove hand (pointer) cursor from anchor (a) link tag in HTML?
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How to compare two arrays using Javascript and get unmacthed elements?
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How to show formatted (pretty-print) JSON using JavaScript?
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How can I convert values in euro currency?
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Can anybody help me to convert a infix expression into a postfix expression which deals with all three brackets i.e. ({[ in c language?
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B-Tree Implementation
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How to give dynamic margin in RDLC report
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When i upgrade ReportViewer from V11 to 15 Giving error
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How to write HTML5 data-atrribute in Razor MVC C#?
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Publish and send content as a Page. Manage Facebook Pages from your app.(my app under facebook developer)
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How to display number of blogs under different categories with Viewbag?
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How to check if Columns exits in SQL Server table?
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A C# code for database replication between two remote machines
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How to delete a file, after checking if it exists or not using C#?
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How to disable auto-complete in HTML Form input field?
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Error : This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level......?
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Which is the best method to iterate through the hashmap in java?
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How to catch exception in log parser(MSUtil) though SSIS Package while inserting log file data to table?
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A potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client Error in MVC C#
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How to add time in datetime in C#?
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What difference does checkpointing makes in log based recovery?
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How to convert iso date to date-format JavaScript?
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How to convert iso date to date-format JavaScript?
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How to convert iso date to date-format JavaScript?
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How to get lat-long from address (string) using C#?
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What is equivalent of db.refresh(), in core2
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How to update remote branches using Visual Studio Git?
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ASP.NET Web-Form Error "WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)."
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How to add headers before sending Ajax Request using jQuery?
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MaxJsonLength error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer in ASP.NET MVC
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How to remove square brackets from string using javascript?
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How can I sort alphanumeric string list in C# (With & Without LINQ)?
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How to find and extract only number from string in C#?
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How to get the records of last month using sql query in SQL server?
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How to return multiple parameters using web method (web service) in C#?
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how to align checkbox with Label using HTML CSS (Should work in all browser)?
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How to convert InputStream to a string in Java?
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Error "Connection was established with server but error occurred during login process" SSMS
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How to change port number in ASP.NET Core?
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How to delete a single Record using Entity Framework?
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Getting error 'Git failed with a fatal error' in Visual Studio 2017 when using Git for windows
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Difference equals operator (== vs ===) in JavaScript and which to use when?
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Getting error "Sequence contains no elements"
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how can i style checkbox using CSS?
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How to call jQuery function on radio button change event?
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Where Can I download complete Visual Studio 2017 ISO?
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I want to create a table in the following format image below. If there is another way than using table . please guide . thank you
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Write a C program for the following pyramid * * * * * *
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What courses/books would you recommend a backend developer to learn about computer networking and web security?
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how to generate dynamic url using .NET MVC
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Child li dorpdown is not covering width as parent li in navigation
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how to upload image in C# MVC
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How to route a domain name to Amazon EC2 web server instance?
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how to show custom errors in C# MVC
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how to get the Url of page which called Application_Error in ASP.NET
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phone number validation in jQuery-javascript?
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change jQuery validate error position
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how to place div centered inside div?
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how to modify url without reloading page?
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Could not find stored procedure
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How to make Ajax request synchronous in jQuery?
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How to save Product Order details with User Id?
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how to reload partial view in pop-up modal when opening it?
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how can i make a transparent border using css?
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how to place text between horizontal line using HTML CSS?
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How to get an element by its data-id using jquery?
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Detect if an element is hidden or visible in jQuery-javascript?
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not able to access iframe contents using jquery or javascript
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JSON.NET Error Self referencing loop detected for type
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How can I put the values of database in array in ASP.NET MVC C# ?
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How to create shopping cart in MVC?
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How to Pass a value from (.aspx) page to HTML page
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how to save Excel data into database using MVC C#?
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How to vertically align center to an image inside div using CSS?
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How to change password in mvc
Answers 5
how to show confirm box when clicking link (a href tag)?
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Convert string of "dd/MM/yyyy" format into Datetime using C#?
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How can i change hr color using CSS?
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How to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS in
Answers 2
How to send mail from Domain server in c#?
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How to access the substring from the string in sql?
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How we use tempdata in controller from another controller in mvc?
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How to show formatted (pretty-print) JSON using JavaScript?
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how to get MVC model list in javascript and pass it to controller?
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How to get Current page number of IPagedList Razor View in MVC?
Answers 6
400. That’s an error. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - Google OAuth Authentication
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How to save image/video on server with or without web api in MVC?
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Where can I download SQL server 2016 express full?
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Query doesn't work with AVG function, how to use AVG in SQL?
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Save User Workflow in ASP.NET C# by showing workflow charts in javascript HTML
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Best extension to convert C# Class to Typescript Interface Class
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How to solve the Index out of range exception?
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Updating / editing foreign key of a Child table in Entity Framework Core 1.1
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Entity Framework 6 Select data using ToListAsync doesn't work
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Show a slug url without id in the url in mvc
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How to load cascading dropdown in MVC?
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How to redirect from http to https in ASP.NET Core?
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Can i have example of declare table and temp table in sql ? and how the update operation can be used on it ?
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How to make bootstrap columns of equal height ?
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How to solve error "save changes is not permitted" in sql server?
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How should i display first 10 records at a time in sql (paging in SQL)?
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How to convert png image to jpg with white background in C#?
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How to convert png image to jpg with white background in C#?
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on click not working on dynamically created element
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What does Service Layer do? Repository Pattern / Unit Of Work
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What does Service Layer do? Repository Pattern / Unit Of Work
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How to Switch ORM in Repository Pattern (C# .NET MVC)?
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How can I sort alphanumeric string list in C# (With & Without LINQ)?
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How to subtract total of each row in C# matrix from constant number and sum the result?
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How to enable SSL in locahost using Visual Studio 2017?
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Error : Operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int[]' and 'int[]'
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How to encrypt and decrypt a string in C#? Need easy method with example
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FB page Login Failure. Unsuccessful login with service when using OAuth in MVC
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FB page Login Failure. Unsuccessful login with service when using OAuth in MVC
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OAuth login error "Warning URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not white-listed in the app's client OAuth settings"
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An exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in System.Data.dll was not handled in user code Additional information: The 'dataType' argument can not be null.
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How to append jQuery bootstrap calender on dynamically created element in ASP.NET MVC?
Answers 4
FB popup not back in the web main windows, but stay in the popup
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I have deleted my database by accidentially in sql server 2017 is there is any way to recover it?
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Checkbox value not posting in ASP.NET MVC form?
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How to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS in
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Refresh posts and comments ( get new posts and comments) from graph api facebook.
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How to convert Json ArrayList into String Array in Java?
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How to get Facebook page notification new comments/posts via Graph API in ASP.NET
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How to get notified when a row is added in SQL Server database using core 2?
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Access denied when permission of app to my application is denied with Facebook authentication in core
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Web service returning 500 failed to load resource error
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How to add the SignalR client library in ASP.NET Core 2?
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how can I set a specific page as a default page in .net core 2 using visual studio code
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How do I set a project as startup project in Visual Studio Code?
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No project was found, change the current working directory or use the --project option
Answers 1
Error "Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication." in SQL server
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What does Content type and data type mean in jQuery ajax request?
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How to convert byte[] array to string and Vice versa in C#?
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Change Password in ASP.NET MVC identity, without old password?
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How to show custom error message in jQuery validate below bootsrap select picker?
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There is error while executing stored procedure
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LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime Parse(System.String)' method
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How to remove or replace all special characters from a string in C#?
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How to upload file in ASP.NET without using asp file upload control?
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Format any number to two place of decimal using JavaScript?
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What is the visual studio 2019 download size, complete Community Edition?
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How to check if File exists in C#? (Inside folder)
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How to add / remove class in jQuery dynamically on click?
How to open New tab using javascript or jquery and open href in it?
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How to auto hide bootstrap date-picker after selecting date?
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How to ignore files while committing code on GitHub using Visual Studio?
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How do I enable CORS in C# web-api 2?
Answers 4
SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but it duplicates results
Answers 4
SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but it duplicates results
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Cannot connect to WMI Provider SQL server configuration manager error
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Error "illegal characters in path" C#
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SQL server 2012 - Error: attempted to read or write protected memory
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How to insert C# variable value in between string properly?
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How do I remove last comma from string using jQuery or Javascript?
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How to remove all special characters using Javascript?
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how to remove border from iframe in HTML?
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How do i format or beautify code in Visual Studio code?
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How to create CSS Bookmark ribbon horizontally with text?
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calculate distance between two locations in google maps
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How to get all files inside folder using C# easily?
Answers 1
Character encoding html not showing correct output (Â)
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How to add custom search box in jQuery Datatable and place it outisde main Table?
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Want to convert infix to postfix in C but getting error empty stack
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How to remove element from an array in Javascript?
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How can I set JSON Serializer in ASP.NET Core (.NET 5)?
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How to get client's IP address using javascript or jQuery
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How can I center a video in HTML?
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How can I download complete AWS S3 Bucket Locally?
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How to remove default dropdown icon from Select list in HTML CSS?
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How can I convert string to time in C#?
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How to clone object in JavaScript?
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how to convert UTC time to Local using C#?
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Getting error "$(..).Datatable is not a function"
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How to convert nvarchar column to datetime in SQL Server?
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Visual Studio Code Intellisense (autocomplete) not working
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More than one DBContext was found - EF Core
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How to enable JavaScript debugging in visual studio 2019 or 2017
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Missing Startup.cs in .NET 6, how to configure?
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I want code please
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Error Code: 1175 - You are using safe update mode
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AJAX request confusion
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How to enable SSL in locahost using Visual Studio 2017?
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How does Content Delivery Network works (from web dev point of view)?
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How to add authorization header in postman?
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Why did we remove multiple document types within an index in ElasticSearch?
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How to apply a CSS to first element of class only?
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Get only time from Datetime in C#?
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Error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null"
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How to convert iso date to date-format JavaScript?
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How to get size of an Amazon S3 bucket?
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How to get Currently logged in UserId in ASP.NET Core?
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How to define C# multiline string literal?
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What is Eclipse Comment shortcut?
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What is JQuery IsNumeric like function in Javascript?
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How to comment PowerShell code?
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How to change port number in ASP.NET Core?
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How to add Double quotes in String in C#?
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How to add double quotes in javascript string?
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How to Select LAST N Row in SQL Server
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What is Console.Log Equivalent in C#?
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How to list or display all environment variables using powershell?
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Remove last character from string in Python?
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How to add comments in XML?
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How to escape quotes in json?
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How can I check Typescript version in Visual Studio?
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400. That’s an error. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - Google OAuth Authentication
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confirmation box on span using jquery
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how to check which select option group is selected using jquery
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Want to use Bootstrap tabs instead of jquery
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how to create login with facebook button using php
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How to convert JSON String into C# class object
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DataTables breaks on last “Next” or any “Previous” paginate button
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DbArithmeticExpression arguments must have a numeric common type
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how to catch all error in C# MVC (error handling)
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how to manage shopping cart sessions without login
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how to scroll to div smoothly on click using jquery
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how to allow only numbers in textbox using jquery
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how to find if specific element exists in html
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best way to redirect user using jquery-javscript?
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how to improve performance of ASP.NET MVC application?
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how to interchange position of two divs on mobile
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how can i simplify url in .NET MVC?
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how to add image in folder & image path in db in mvc??
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how can i create rating system using html css?
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how to set, toggle and clear a bit in C or C++ language?
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how to pass value to razor variables from JavaScript?
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How to send value from model in view to javascript file?
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how can i style checkbox using CSS?
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Keep Pop up Modal Opened after saving data in Ajax.BeginForm
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How to do server validation in bootstrap pop-up modal?
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Can we use email or string as a primary key in database table?
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how to loop on JSON result & show it to user using jquery?
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How to serialize List into string using C#?
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If Statement condition in ASP.NET Web-Forms?
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Open and Close bootstrap modal using jquery?
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how to format text as a dollar currency using javascript or jquery?
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How to format JSON date into valid date using javascript or jquery?
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How to get query string values in JavaScript or jQuery?
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How to Parse JSON in javascript?
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how to implement switch case in Razor (.cshtml)?
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Multiple actions were found that match the request: in web api C# ?
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How To Convert a Menu to a Dropdown for Small Screens.
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Check if list contains a value using lambda and EF in MVC
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Can we use Nested switch case in C# or switch case under if else case in ASP.NET C#?
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How can I Enumerate an enum in C#?
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Validate Coupon code in by Calling WebMethod using javascript or jQuery
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Calling ASP.NET WEB API with Angular 4 HttpClient is not working
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Getting error (500 internal server) while fetching JSON, when more than 1000 rows is returned from database?
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How to convert dynamic JSON string into C# class?
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URL Rewriting in MVC
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Datetime Format Regex (MM/dd/yyyy) Javascript
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How to disable paging in jQuery Datatable?
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How to search a string from comma separated string in C#?
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How to show Crystal report for two tables related by foreign key?
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How to convert HTML text into plain text using C#?
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How to convert byte[] array to string and Vice versa in C#?
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How can I initialize Multidimensional Array [][] in c# with int [3][3]?
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How to count the occurrence of specific word inside a string in sql server 2008?
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How to trigger click on pressing Enter key inside text input using Javascript or jQuery?
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How to get latitude and longitude from address using C# or Javascript?
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How to clean and build solution in visual studio code (.net core2)
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Not able to start SQL server browser in windows
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How can i display title or label on polygons on google map?
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How to create dynamic list type in C#?
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How to make a div editable on Click?
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There is already an open datareader associated - error in C#
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how to check if string is null or empty using jQuery or javascript?
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How to check if string is number (IsNumeric) in C#?
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How do I create object for IQueryable in C#?
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How to open link (a href) in new tab instead of loading url on same page?
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How to create Excel file using C# without Microsoft office & interop?
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How can I get application root folder location in C# Console application?
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Adding Multiple markers in Google Maps using Javascript API?
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How to solve error "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)"?
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How to convert seconds into hh:mm:ss in C#?
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How to rename a file and directory in C#?
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How do I clear local storage using javascript?
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How to enable JavaScript debugging in visual studio 2019 or 2017
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How to get query string from url using jQuery or Javascript?
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How to enable full text search on SQL Server database?
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How to align element to bottom using Flexbox?
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Check if table exists then delete it in SQL Server
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How to compare two pdf in c#?
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Query to get all database name in SQL Server?
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How to add windows authentication sql server connection string in Web Config?
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How to check IIS version in windows server?
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How to center div horizontally and vertically using flexbox?
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How to remove all Google maps marker using Javascript?
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Extract String between two string in C#?
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How to detect click outside an element (or div)?
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How to center div in tailwind?
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How to change Python version in Visual Studio (VS) Code?
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What is shortcut for expand-collapse sections of code in VS Code?
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calculate distance between two locations in google maps
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disable browser back-forward button after logout in MVC
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how can i expand input field on click?
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how to convert byte array into image?
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The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.DbMigrationsConfiguration`1' threw an exception
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Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 120.
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Error : Keyword not supported: 'metadata'
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How to use vertically align : middle text, next to image using CSS?
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The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`
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Detect language of latin word on mvc using google translation api
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This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed...ASP.NET JSON Return error?
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Pass checkbox values to Controller and show confirmation before deleting data in MVC C#
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Bootstrap modal appearing below back-drop (in background) ??Why?
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How to create monthly attendance sheet with MVC?
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Database Threats and how to Prevent them
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Datetime Format Regex (MM/dd/yyyy) Javascript
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How to show date time with am/pm using C# in ASP.NET?
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How can I get dd/mm/yyyy formatted current date in Javascipt?
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Is sql server management studio free to use?
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How to remove quotation marks (double quotes) from string using jQuery or Javascript?
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How to do javascript file upload?
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How to clear cache on IIS quickly and easily?
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Cannot convert null to a value type JSON error
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Disable modal pop-up from closing when clicking outside it
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How to use jQuery datatable with Web API in MVC? want to implement CRUD, searching and sorting
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