10 Simple, but hidden tips of google chrome web-browser in windows
Category HTML
Few essential tips for Html beginners
This article shows few important tips of html for beginners
Category Windows/MacOsx
How To Disable Startup Programs In Windows 7 and Vista
This post describes how to disable start-up programs using msconfig in windows 7
Category iOS/iPhone
iOS/iPhone tricks for Apple Users
This articles reveals the hidden features of iOS and New iPhone 7
Category Windows/MacOsx
How to Disable or Delete Startup Programs in Windows Using CCleaner
Disable/delete Programs securely using CCleaner in Windows
Category Bootstrap
Understanding Bootstrap 4 grid system (With various layout examples)
In this article, I will provide the complete tutorial to understand the new bootstrap 4 grid system easily with proper details and example.
Category Windows/MacOsx
Top useful cmd commands for Windows user
This article gives brief overview of top useful cmd commands which should be used by Windows users
Category How-To
How to back up files and restore in Windows 7
This article explains how we can backup and restore windows 7 important files
Category C#
MVC List box using jQuery getJSON and JSONResult
This article shows how you can populate MVC Listbox using jQuery and JSONResult.
Category CSS
How to use the :after And :before Pseudo-Elements In CSS
Article shows how to use pseudo-elements of css effectively and efficiently
Category Windows/MacOsx
Top antivirus to secure your Windows/Mac
List of essential antiviruses to protect your Windows PC or Mac from ransomware, malware or virus attack
Category Technology
Top programming languages to learn (2018, E-books link included)
In this article, I am going to give brief details on best coding languages to learn (beginner or expert), which you should start learning to get a developer job / freelance jobs as Software developer.
Category Javascript
Javasript ES6 class explanation with example
In this article, I have explained about javascript es6 classes, it's syntax & how to use it with an example.
Category SQL
Understanding SQL server COALESCE() with example (ISNULL comparison included)
In this article, I am going to provide you complete details of SQL server COALESCE function with example & will compare it with ISNULL.
Category ASP.NET
Code First Migration with Entity framework
The article gives introduction and description of using code first migrations with Entity framework using ASP.NET MVC C#
Category C#
Using Generics in C# (With Example)
In this article, I have explained about what is generics in C# and it's benefits in C# with an example
Category SQL
Difference between Stored procedure and function in SQL Server (Lists differences and explains each of them separately.)
This article, lists important difference difference between Stored procedure and function in SQL Server after giving brief details about Stored procedures and functions (user-defined functions) in SQL server.
Category ASP.NET
Basic tutorial of ASP.NET MVC C#
This tutorial has basic details of asp.net MVC for beginners using Visual Studio. It explains what is Model, View, Controller and how to get started.
Category HTML
Login and registration form in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap 4
In this article, I will provide you Login and registration form code using HTML, CSS and bootstrap 4.
To provide clear error details to user and prevent app crashes, sometimes you may need to create custom exception in C#, so in this article I have explained how you can create custom exception in C#.
Category SQL
SQL server date format and converting it (Various examples)
This article provides you in-depth knowledge of SQL server date format available and how to convert from one date format to other using examples
Category C#
Multithreading in C# (With example)
In this tutorial, I have explained about multithreading in C# with an example & how to use multithreading in C# .NET
Category C/C++
Binary search program in C with Algorithm
In this article, I will provide you explanation of binary search using example and will explain algorithm with working code example for Binary search in C.
Category C#
Verify email address exists or not? (With email id validation in C#)
In this tutorial, I am going to provide you, code using C# to verify email address exists or not, you can use this c# validate email address code while registering user.
Category ASP.NET
Export datatable to excel in C# (ASP.NET Web-Form example)
In this article, I have provided a examples to export datatable to excel in c# in ASP.NET web-application using data from SQL server database and have used OpenXML/ClosedXML & InterOp.
Category ASP.NET
Data annotation in ASP.NET MVC (Example with creating Custom Validation)
In this article, I am going to explain you about the server side validation of form (with example) in asp.net MVC using Data Annotations & creating Custom Validation
Category SQL
Restore (Import) database from .bak file in SQL server (With & without scripts)
In this short article, I am giving steps with images to restore database from .bak file in SQL server & I have also explained ways in sql server to restore database from bak file using script.
Category C#
File I/O in C# (Read, Write, Delete, Copy file using C#)
In this article, I have explained about File input/output (I/O) handling operations in C# with an example to read, write data to a file and delete or copy the file using C# .NET Console application.
Category SQL
Aggregate Functions in SQL Server (SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX)
This article provides you complete details of the aggregate function (SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX) in SQL server with suitable examples.
Category SQL
Understanding SQL server switch case (With Example)
This article provides you implementation details of SQL server switch case statement and how to use it with examples
Category ASP.NET
Showing Google Maps in ASP.NET MVC with Marker (Lat/Long data from database)
In this article, I will explain how to easily integrate the Google Maps in ASP.NET MVC C# by getting latitude and longitude from database and show it's pin (Marker) on the map.
Category C/C++
C program to print pyramid pattern, explained with code example
This article will help you create and explains the code to print various pyramid pattern program in C language or you can star pattern program in C
Category HTML
HTML code to create a form (Registration, Login or Contact form)
In this article, I have provided the basic HTML code to create a form with CSS, it can be used to create the registration form in HTML, Login or contact form HTML & CSS.
Category SQL
SQL server connection string examples in C# & XML
In this article, I have provided various examples of SQL server connection string in C#, ASP.NET Web.Config file in XML format and MySQL connection string in C#.
Category C#
How to read JSON data in C# (Example using Console app & ASP.NET MVC)?
In this article, I will provide you simple way to read JSON data in C# using ASP.NET MVC and Console application code sample & example to read dynamic JSON in C#.
Category C#
Connect to SQL Server in C# (example using Console application)
In this article, I will provide working console application example in C# to connect to SQL server database and explain about connection string C# with various connection strings sample.
Questions Asked
Answers 1
How to make bootstrap dropdown appear on hover instead of click?
Answers 1
How to get lat/long using Google address autocompete api using Javascript or jQuery?
Answers 2
Detect if an element is hidden or visible in jQuery-javascript?
Answers 2
How to use vertically align : middle text, next to image using CSS?
Answers 1
More than one DBContext was found - EF Core
Answers 2
How to send Razor View as a Email with Model in ASP.NET MVC?
Answers 1
how to check which select option group is selected using jquery
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how to format text as a dollar currency using javascript or jquery?
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This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed...ASP.NET JSON Return error?
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Not able to start SQL server browser in windows
Answers 3
How to call or return partial view of another controller from one controller?
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How to create CSS Bookmark ribbon horizontally with text?
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how to convert httppostedfilebase to httppostedfile in C#?
Answers 3
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 120.
Answers 2
How do I stop from browser being closed when I stop debugging in Visual Studio 2017?
Answers 3
How to Add Spaces before Capital letter in a string using C#?
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How can I add new SelectListItem at first position of a List in C# MVC?
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How to show date time with am/pm using C# in ASP.NET?
Answers 3
Error : Keyword not supported: 'metadata'
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How to open sql server configuration manager in windows 10?
Answers 5
how to show confirm box when clicking link (a href tag)?
Answers 4
how to get complete url and base url in MVC?
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How to do server validation in bootstrap pop-up modal?
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How to make Ajax request synchronous in jQuery?
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Create dynamic month/year calendar attendance sheet in .NET MVC
Answers 3
Open and Close bootstrap modal using jquery?
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Facebook: get list of pages that a user is admin of using OAuth in ASP.NET MVC
Answers 2
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'.
Answers 3
How to check if url contains a sub-string using jQuery or javascript?
Answers 2
What is the difference between page RPM and impression RPM?
Answers 3
how to allow only numbers in textbox using jquery
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What is DA & PA in SEO?
Answers 1
How to dynamically create textbox in asp.net c# on button click according to user input value?
Answers 1
how to select row where Id is not equal to in SQL?
Answers 1
How to strip out only Text from HTML string using javascript?
Answers 2
Cannot convert null to a value type JSON error
Answers 2
Unable to update the EntitySet because it has a DefiningQuery and no InsertFunction element exists in the ModificationFunctionMapping element to support the current operation
Answers 2
Populating DropDownList with values showing error There is no ViewData item of type IEnumerable SelectListItem that has the key Name
Answers 3
How to convert dynamic JSON string into C# class?
Answers 2
DbArithmeticExpression arguments must have a numeric common type
Answers 3
Cannot find the check box for enabling SSL in visual studio 2017 (ASP.NET Core project)
Answers 3
Cannot find the check box for enabling SSL in visual studio 2017 (ASP.NET Core project)
Answers 2
How to check or uncheck checkbox using jQuery?
Answers 2
How to check if I am using localhost server or not in C# MVC?
Answers 3
how to modify url without reloading page?
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How to make Ajax request synchronous in jQuery?
Answers 2
JSON.NET Error Self referencing loop detected for type
Answers 2
Compare System Time with database time only (not datetime)
Answers 3
Error : This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level......?
Answers 4
What does Content type and data type mean in jQuery ajax request?
Answers 3
Difference equals operator (== vs ===) in JavaScript and which to use when?
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Where can I download SQL server 2016 express full?
Answers 1
how can i disable anchor link using jQuery or HTML?
Answers 1
how do I Check if a checkbox is checked using jquery or javascript?
Answers 1
How to export HTML table to PDF & Excel in jQuery Datatable?
Answers 1
How to show dropdown list in Xamarin Forms?
Answers 2
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
Answers 1
What's the difference between let and var in JavaScript?
Answers 1
What is the difference between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core?
Answers 2
Add MVC4 in visual studio 2017 professional
Answers 2
MaxJsonLength error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer in ASP.NET MVC
Answers 4
How to validate jQuery form validation on button click?
Answers 1
How to migrate from angular4 to angular6? need code changes details
Answers 1
How do Add class using Javascript?
Answers 2
What is equivalent of db.refresh(), in asp.net core2
Answers 2
How to create download link using anchor tag in HTML?
Answers 3
How to generate random string using javascript?
Answers 3
not able to access iframe contents using jquery or javascript
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How to return multiple parameters using web method (web service) in C#?
Answers 2
console error "Cannot read property mData of undefined"..??
Answers 5
Disable modal pop-up from closing when clicking outside it
Answers 2
"SqlException: MSDTC on server is unavailable" error in C# Code
Answers 2
How to get response data from XMLHttpRequest?
Answers 3
Datepicker is not working inside bootstrap modal pop-up
Answers 2
How to do javascript file upload?
Tags used
windowschromebrowserHTMLbeginnerstipsmsconfigiOsiPhoneTipsdisable-startupBootstrapCSSbootstrap grid classesbootstrap grid tutorialWindowstopcmd-commandswindows-tipsWindows7backuprestoreC#MVC.netcsscss3htmlTop AntivirusmacTop 10best programming language to learnbest coding language to learnbest programming languageES6javascriptjavascript es6 classjavascript es6 class examplejavascript classjavascript class exampleSQLsql server coalesce examplesqlserver isnullCode-First-MIgrationEntity-FrameworkGenerics in C#stored procedure vs function sql serverdifference between stored procedure and function in sql serverasp.nettutorial asp net mvcc# mvc tutorialBootstrap 4login and registration formC#-Custom-Exceptionthrow custom exception c#custom exception handling in c# with exampleSql server date formatdate format conversion SQLMultithreading-in-C#c#-multithreading-exampleCBinary search programverify-email-address-existsc#-validate-email-addressemail-id-validation-in-c#validate-verify-email-C#ho- to-validate-email-address-in-c#export datatable to excel c#c# datatable to excelexport datagridview to excel c#write datatable to excel c#c# export to excelASP.NETData annotation in MVCmvc data annotationdata annotation in c#restore database using .baksql serversql restore database from bak file scriptFile I/OFile handling in C#AGGREGATE FunctionsSUMAVGCOUNTsql aggregate functionsaggregate functions in sql with examplesSQL serversql server case statementmvc google mapsgoogle map integration in mvcpyramid program in c with explanationpyramid program in ccontact form htmlregistration form in htmlcontact form html codecreate html formcreate registration form in htmlhtml design formSQL-server-connection-stringsql-server-connection-string-c#sql-server-connection-string-integrated-securityc#-database-connectionRead JSON dataread dynamic JSON in C#json to c# classc# read json filec# connect to sql serverc# database connectionc# sql connectionshow dropdown list on hoverJavascriptjQueryget latitude-longitude using google address apivisibilityvertical-align-middle-textimageASP.NET CoreEntity framework Corerazor view as string in MVCsend razor view in emailjqueryformatting-text-as-currencyasp.net-mvcJSONJsonResulthttp-getSQL-serversql-server-browserpartial viewcss horizontal ribbonhttppostedfilebase to httppostedfile in C#web-configformat-of-stringVisual-studiovisual-studio-2017stop-browser-from-being-closed-in-visual-studio-2017stringput space before capital charASP.NET MVCDrop-down-listdatetime-formatKeyword-not-supportedsql server configuration manager in windows 10confirmation-dialogjavascript-eventsurluriiisPOPUP MODALBOOTSTRAPajax-synchronousmvcbootstrapmodal-pop-upmodal-dialogOAuth-loginasp-net-core-2check if url contains string jquerycheck if url has parameters javascriptGoogle AdsenseRPMonly numbersSEODA-PAda-pa-in-SEOc#sqlwherenegateselect where id is not equal tostrip HTML from a stringjsonDeserializeentity frameworkUnable to update the EntitySetdynamic JSON to C# classjson string into C# classLinqEntity Frameworkenable-ssl-in-asp-net-corevisual-studiocheck-uncheck-checkboxcheck if i am on localhosturl-rewritingchange-url-without-loadingserializationentity-frameworkasp-netcompare-timeIISamazon-ec2Ajaxcontent-typedata-typeoperatosidentity-operatorequality-operatorSQL-Server-2016sql express 2016 offline installersql express 2016 management studiodisable anchor tagmake anchor tag non-clickablecheck if checkbox is checked javascriptjQuery-datatableexport html to pdfXamarin FormsDropdown list in Xamarinasp.net mvcletvarASP.NET COREDifferencejQuery-validation-pluginAngularAngular4-to-Angular6-migrationjs-add-classjavascript-toggle-classsave-datadownload-link-using-anchor-tagdownloadrandom string generationiframe-contentsweb-methodweb-servicesasmxCannot read property mData of undefinedgoogle mapsreverse geocodingdatepciker inside modal pop-upFile upload