18977 0
jQuery File Upload with progress bar in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I am going to provide solution for uploading file using jQuery ajax & bootstrap progress bar to show upload progress to user in ASP.NET MVC
9019 3
A potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client Error in MVC C#

I was following the article of adding rich text editor as explained here (How to use Rich text editor (CKEditor) in MVC), but when I am submitting CKEditor data to the controller, I am getting this error 

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client


3144 2
How to save weekend values in Database?

I am saving a table company information where I want to save the weekends for that particular company. Thing is when I was doing a payroll management system, I could bring out the total working days in a month. But that was not dynamic. Here is the code,

8232 1
How to upload image on cloudinary in ASP.NET MVC?

I have just started using Cloudinary to upload images for my client's project there & I was trying to upload an image using explanation provided here https://cloudinary.com/documentation/dotnet_image_upload but it's not working for me, can you explain a complete example of this? Or any link of tutorial will also help, thanks.

10990 0
Using ckEditor for ASP.NET
This article gives step by step procedure on how to implement ckEditor in ASP.NET Web-forms.

3460 1
How to show Crystal report for two tables related by foreign key?

I have two tables tbl_employee and tbl_department. I want to show a crystal report for employee information where department name should be there. When I am trying to show the report only for the employee table it is working fine but when I am joining these two tables with key in crystal report design, logon error exception is shown. 


16530 0
Bind Data to Gridview using jQuery Ajax & WebMethod in ASP.NET
In this article, I have explained how to bind data to grid view using jQuery Ajax & web-method in asp.net step by step (no postback required)
2247 1
Dynamic Navbar Update Problem

It might be an old question. I have recently created a website where the Navbar menus are dynamically generated by category. Inside those categories, different posts are created from the backend.  Now the problem is when I change the name of the category, it is obvious that the <li> name in the website will also be updated. But it is not happening. Funny part is, it is changing in the database. I already checked that. When I am stopping my project and re-running it again, then it is working. Can anyone help me out with the problem?


N:B- I am taking my category name data through a global viewbag filter. 

This is the code.

4732 1
The type of one of the primary key values did not match the type defined in the entity


I am trying to fill a dropdown list with the values of my tables. I don't need all of the values so I have to use a "where" clause

here is my code

14213 1
Sending SMS using Twilio API in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I will give you step by step guide on how to send SMS using Twilio API in ASP.NET MVC C#.

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