When I am trying to post regular Ajax.BeginForm in my asp.net MVC project (asp.net zero boilerplate project), I am getting this error
Method arguments are not valid! See ValidationErrors for details
Here is the image of the error
How to add,Edit and delete data into database using treeview with checkbox in ASP.NET MVC with entity framework.
...I Have populated the DropDownList with the roles from the AspNetRoles, when I am registering a new user and allocating a role an error is thown
"There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'Name'."
My AccountController :
...Hello, I need to download community edition of Visual Studio 2017 ISO complete? Where Can I download it?
I would like to have .ISO file to download if possible, thanks
...How to create Dropdown list using Option group in MVC Razor syntax in View, like below iimage
I need functionality like, if user enters http://localhost:5130 default page should be open like user/index
and if user enters http://localhost:5130/customer, customer/index page should be open
how can i achieve this in MVC using route.config?
...What is the difference between creating database inside localDb in visualstudio and creating database in sqlserver and joining it in VS .
I am trying to have this kind of url
...I am using Entity framework 6 and my query is as below: