12725 3
How do I remove last comma from string using jQuery or Javascript?

I have a string like "this, is, test," now I want to remove the last "," (comma) from this string to make it like "this, is, test", so How can I remove only last comma from string jQuery or Javascript?

I prefer Javascript method,thanks

2774 1
How to get lat/long using Google address autocompete api using Javascript or jQuery?

I am currently using Google's address autocomplete api to get the locations (address) as shown in example here


Now I would like to get only Latitude and longitude of address, when user selects the address.

How can I do this using Javascript or jQuery?

2534 1
How do Add class using Javascript?

I wanted to add or remove classes from my HTML <div> dynamically using Javascript, I don't want to use jQuery here, so How can I add a class using JS?

If possible, I would also like to know how can I toggle class in Javascript

15572 2
How to remove square brackets from string using javascript?

Hello, I am working a javascript function, in which I want to remove square brackets from string suppose if string it "[test]", then after removing square brackets I should get "test" only.

How can I do this using Javascript and regex, or without regex?

7159 2
How to implement validation for input type file using jQuery or javascript?

Hello, I have a HTML form inside which there is <input type="file" /> field, and now before posting form to the server side, I need to validate/check if file field is empty or not, I want user to upload atleast one image file in this field, so how I can implement validation message for <input type ="file" /> field in the form using jQuery or javascript code?

Sample HTML Form


3172 2
How to get response data from XMLHttpRequest?

I was trying to get location by calling google maps API using javascript and wanted to know how to get response text/data after request is successfully sent.

Here is my javascript code:

6793 2
How to do javascript file upload?

Hello, I am working on a web-application in which I would to upload file using javascript, as soon as someone select's the file using HTML file input, so what should be the code for uploading file using javascript?

Although I need only front-end code/tutorial link etc, but if possible i would like to know C# code to get it in MVC Controller also, thanks.

35941 4
How to remove quotation marks (double quotes) from string using jQuery or Javascript?

I am working on a web-application which returns JSON results as "/FileURL", I just need to get /FileURL as a result, means I need to remove quotation marks (double quotes) from returned JSON string using jQuery or Javascript, how can I do that?

2271 2
How to clone object in JavaScript?

I was trying to copy/clone the object and edit the new one but whenever I change edit NewObject, olderObject also get's changed, suppose here is my Object

9044 3
Datetime Format Regex (MM/dd/yyyy) Javascript

I want to validate the date format on every keypress/keyup that the user's typed.

I've researched for what i'm trying to achieve. And I've found the solution here:


(i was referring to @bobble bubble's answered)

but the format was YYYY-mm-dd. So, I tried to reverse to the format i was looking for to (MM/dd/yyyy).

But i cant get throught with validating every press that the user's typed. What happend was its validate as whole(regex) not one by one.

I also read his explanation about non-capturing group. But still, i can't get it.


Happy Coding!


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