You can break this into 2 parts, first inverted triangle and then left hand side triangle, so C Code for it will look like below
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
//declare variables to use
int i, j, rows;
//now loop for each row
for(i=1; i<=5; ++i)
//this loop will print * until value of outer loop variable(i) is greater than
//inner loop vairable(j)
for(j=5; j>=i; j--)
//as soon as inner loop(j) value becomes greater than outer loop printing * ends
// & it prints new line using \n
//now loop for each row
for(i=2; i<=5; ++i)
//this loop will print * until value of outer loop variable(i) is greater than
//inner loop vairable(j)
for(j=1; j<=i; ++j)
//as soon as inner loop(j) value becomes greater than outer loop printing * ends
// & it prints new line using \n
return 0;
For more Star program in C (Pyramid pattern program examples) check link.
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