I want method which returns the string datetime in target locale format by taking the UTC DateTime and UTC DateTime offset in c#, here is the example code
public string ConvertToTargetTimeZone(DateTime utcDateTime, int timeDifference)
string targetDateTime = string.Empty;
targetDateTime = utcDateTime.AddMinutes(-timeDifference).ToString(dateTimeFormat);
return targetDateTime
return the target datetime in target locale format, for example, if I have -330 minutes offset for India and India datetime format is "dd/MM/yyyy" then it will return datetime in above format.
In short i want to find culture based on timeDifference
then culture return me the datetimeformatinfo
Just use this method. It will return you local timezone date in datetime format.
protected DateTime GetCurrentTime()
DateTime serverTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime _localTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(serverTime,
TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "Indian Standard Time");
return _localTime;
Enjoy :)
Thanks for asking a question here.
I tried to run above code, and it is returning the desired results for me, let me tell you what I entered and what was the output
public ActionResult Index()
//Calling Function for testing
var TestDate= ConvertToTargetTimeZone(DateTime.UtcNow, 330);
return View();
public string ConvertToTargetTimeZone(DateTime utcDateTime, int timeDifference)
string targetDateTime = string.Empty;
targetDateTime = utcDateTime.AddMinutes(-timeDifference).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
return targetDateTime;
So in my case, input was:
UTCDatetime: 8/3/2017 8:05:02 AM, timeDifference: 330
targetDatetime: 03/08/2017
Looks like it is already solved.
Another method can be
//Example input is : 2012-09-19 01:27:30.000, which has unspecified timezone, so you can use
DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(dateStr);
var kind = convertedDate.Kind; // will equal DateTimeKind.Unspecified
//Specify kind in it if you know, suppose it is UTC
DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(
var kind = convertedDate.Kind; // will equal DateTimeKind.Utc
//Now call .ToLocalTime()
DateTime dt = convertedDate.ToLocalTime();
//Now to convert it into specific format like "dd/MM/yyyy"
targetDateTime= dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm");
return targetDateTime; // Output will be 19/09/2012 06:57
That's it,you are done.
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