I am trying to work on Audio file and have seconds as int
in C#, but I would like to convert seconds into hh:mm:ss ( hours, minutes and seconds) format, so How can I do it easily in C#?
For example: 20 Seconds = 00:00:20 in hour,minutes,seconds format.
...I am using Spanish lanuguage on our .NET MVC website, when page is loading it is not showing correct character like changing "á" into "Â", something like below image
I am already using below HTML code for settings content type with "charset=UTF-8
GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync is not working on localhost but not working in server
...I have been reading this article to read file in C#, but how can I read all files inside folders, so basically how to get all files from directory or folder using C# and then read them?
...How i can convert values in euro currency
For Example:- if There is 25000 then output will be €25.000
If There is 995 then €9,95
...Hello, I want to remove all special characters using javascript, so which is the best method to do it? For example, I have a string "#number 1 \ number 2
", how can I get output as
How we can open torrent files in C#
Is possible to open torrent file in C# Code like
...Hello, When I am using below simple C# code to untidy my XML string, but when executing locally it is working fine, but on server I am getting below error
...My question is regarding this article "Read Excel file using Javascript". It is very useful script and I was searching it from long time.
Basically, I want to open address.xlsx automatically and read it, when I open html file in browser, don't want to browse file and then read/show the Excel output. How can I do it.
If possible, I would like to add, an input text-box with ability of search excel data displayed table.
...Hello, I am trying to save file in C#, using file.SaveAs(Path)
, and getting the error "Illegal Characters in Path" as shown below