I have a website that shows galleries, users can upload their own content from the web (by entering a URL) or by uploading a picture from their computer.
I am storing the URL in the database which works fine for the first case but I need to figure out where to store the actual images if a user uploads pictures from their local computer.
Is there any recommendation here or best practice on where should I store these and how can i store it on server?
help me! thank you very much
...I want to load a dropdown list in my web forms based on certain conditions, first here is my Table_columns(With types)
food_type --varchar
First_start_time -- time
First_end_time -- time
second_start_time -- time
second_end_time -- time
Now I want to load values in which Current_Time > First_start_time
How to do this, it's basic question but I am not able to do it, so please let me know, thanks
...Hi, I have added login with facebook button using OAuth in my MVC project, now I want to get list of all the pages,while user is logging in, of which user is admin, here is the link which shows method to get list of pages that a user is admin of
But I would like to know to get the pages while logging in using ASP.NET MVC C#
...I have an action where I am putting zip files and those zipped files are unzipped. Now, the problem is, when I am unzipping those files....those files are saved into the App_Data folder in a weird format. Note that, I am saving the directory path as the string in my database table(img1).
Can we use email/string as a primary key in database table? and can pass in method of Asp.Net.
I have started coding in ASP.NET Core, so I am not sure what is the proper way to change port number of website? Is it using appsettings.Json file or we need to update startup.cs? Thanks.
...We are creating a big project/ERP in our software firm where we are using area concept for different modules. Problem is when we are publishing the project, there are only 5 project related DLLs like **.core.dll, *.utlility.DLL etc. What I am wanting is, to create DLLs for each area like HRMS.dll, Payroll.DLL, inventory.DLL etc. Is there any process?
...Hi, I am getting an exeption
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in System.Data.dll was not handled in user code Additional information: The 'dataType' argument can not be null.
When executing the below code
public JsonResult Chart()
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnString"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select text,date from T"))
cmd.Connection = con;
SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//Create a new DataTable.
DataTable dt = new DataTable("T");
List<object> iData = new List<object>();
//Load DataReader into the DataTable.
// dt.Load(sdr);
dt.Columns.Add(sdr["text"].ToString(), System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
dt.Columns.Add(sdr["date"].ToString(), System.Type.GetType("System.Datetime"));
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
List<object> x = new List<object>();
x = (from DataRow drr in dt.Rows select drr[dc.ColumnName]).ToList();
//Source data returned as JSON
return Json(iData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Here is the image of the error
It might be an old question. I have recently created a website where the Navbar menus are dynamically generated by category. Inside those categories, different posts are created from the backend. Now the problem is when I change the name of the category, it is obvious that the <li> name in the website will also be updated. But it is not happening. Funny part is, it is changing in the database. I already checked that. When I am stopping my project and re-running it again, then it is working. Can anyone help me out with the problem?
N:B- I am taking my category name data through a global viewbag filter.
This is the code.
...Hi. I'm using graph api to get posts and comments from facebook page. But I want get the new posts or new comments. Means want to refresh the data coming from graph api.
Is there any way to do that in ASP.NET MVC? Thanks.