9381 4
How to auto login in MVC?

How to do autologin in MVC and which is the best method to securely save Cookies in asp.net MVC?

please help

9336 1
How to dynamically create textbox in asp.net c# on button click according to user input value?

How to dynamically create a textbox in asp.net c# on button click, according to user input value?

9222 3
What does Service Layer do? Repository Pattern / Unit Of Work

Do i need Service Layer? From my point of view/understanding.

Presentation Layer = UI

Business Logic Layer = Domain/Entities, Interface and (should DTO resides here)?

Data Access Layer = Implementation of Repository Pattern, CRUD.

Service Layer = ???

If the BLL has Domain/Entities? what layer does business validation belongs to? 

From what i know and searched. Entites and DTO is plain.



9218 0
jQuery Autocomplete implementation in ASP.NET MVC
In this article, I have explained how you can implement autocomplete of textbox using jQuery in ASP.NET MVC and database.
8957 2
Checkbox value not posting in ASP.NET MVC form?

I am trying to submit the form in ASP.NET MVC by updating a value of checkbox, but checkbox is not posting updated value to the C# Controller and posting null value, here is my razor code


8940 3
How to call or return partial view of another controller from one controller?

When working in ASP.NET MVC, I have a partial view located inside "Views -> FirstController->_PartialView1.cshtml", I would like to call this partial view of "FirstController" from "SecondController", how can I call it in ASP.NET MVC?

The reason I am doing so is the HTML used is same, but with different data.

8735 0
Image control in ASP.NET (Upload Image & Display it in Image Control)
In this article, I have explained, how you can use image control in asp.net with an example and how we to show uploaded image in Image Control
8724 0
Basic tutorial of ASP.NET MVC C#
This tutorial has basic details of asp.net MVC for beginners using Visual Studio. It explains what is Model, View, Controller and how to get started.
8697 2
8633 1
ViewBag data from controller is not visible in Partial View

I am passing Select List from ViewBag in controller to partial View, like I used to do , but it is not showing SelectList on partial View when code is pushed on server, while it works when running code locally, here is the code



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