I have just started using Cloudinary to upload images for my client's project there & I was trying to upload an image using explanation provided here https://cloudinary.com/documentation/dotnet_image_upload but it's not working for me, can you explain a complete example of this? Or any link of tutorial will also help, thanks.
...Hello, I am using Visual Studio and I was constantly adding "/bin/projectname.dll" files on GitHub until now, but now I want to ignore these .dll files. So How can I ignore these build files and push only files like .cs, .html,.js ,.css etc to GitHub Repository.
...I Have populated the DropDownList with the roles from the AspNetRoles, when I am registering a new user and allocating a role an error is thown
"There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'Name'."
My AccountController :
...Hello, We have a website on IIS, Windows server and we are using ASP.NET MVC OutputCache, now we have updated code for few pages, but server is still showing cached pages, so how can I remove cache or clear cache on IIS, without making website go down?
...How can I delete (remove) single record from database table using entity framework in asp.net MVC Controller?
please note I want to delete row of selected Id from the database permanently(Not to make a column
and set it as false
Hello, I was trying to Enable SSL in localhost, means want to turn http into https in localhost , while debuggind code in Visual Stduio 2017, how can I enable this in Visual Studio 2017 community edition?
...Hi, I want to test if I can post from my app under facebook developer to my page facebook (my manager page) please look below image.
But I have got this error message as shown below