7674 1
How do I create object for IQueryable in C#?

I am trying to create and Instantiate IQueryable<T> object in my C# MVC project, but I am not able to create it, I would like to use it instead of List<T> = new List<T>, so how can I do it? I am trying this

7613 2
How to convert seconds into hh:mm:ss in C#?

I am trying to work on Audio file and have seconds as int in C#, but I would like to convert seconds into hh:mm:ss ( hours, minutes and seconds) format, so How can I do it easily in C#?

For example: 20 Seconds = 00:00:20 in hour,minutes,seconds format.

7574 1
Serialization & Deserialization in C# With Console application example
In this article, I have explained the concept of Serialization & Deserialization Class object in C# with an working console application example.
7388 0
C# Regex Examples and Basics
In this article, we have provided examples of C# Regex (Regular Expression) with sample cases and testing them in C# Console application with explanation of what is Regular Expression in C#.
7224 3
How to convert JSON String into C# class object

I am trying to convert JSON object into C# class object, Using a really simple test case:


7184 1
How can I run raw SQL query in C#? ( With and Without ADO.NET)

I am trying to optimise my query to get data from database, so I would to know how can I directly run a sql query in my C#.

Currently I am using Entity framework with EDMX, so to improve query time, I would like to know how can I run direct sql query?

7030 1
How to validate TinyMCE textarea in ASP.NET MVC?

How can i validate TinyMCE using asp.net MVC and razor? Currently, i was trying to validate it using Model validations but it is not working and not showing any errors even when TinyMCE textarea is blank, so how can i validate it? here is my javascript code

6850 2
JSON.NET Error Self referencing loop detected for type

I am trying to convert List into JSON format using the code below

6498 1
How to get Current page number of IPagedList Razor View in MVC?

Hi, i would like to get page number of Current page in jQuery or in HTML of the Asp.net MVC PagedList.IPagedList.

6472 3
How to insert C# variable value in between string properly?

Hello, I am trying to pass this string from back-end C# to front end, and want to render it as HTML, when passing this string to the front-end, it doesn't look proper, here is my current C# code.


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