13389 0
Verify email address exists or not? (With email id validation in C#)
In this tutorial, I am going to provide you, code using C# to verify email address exists or not, you can use this c# validate email address code while registering user.
3254 1
How we can open torrent files in C#

How we can open torrent files in C#

Is possible to open torrent file in C# Code like


6162 2
How to solve error "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)"?

Hello, When I am using below simple C# code to untidy my XML string, but when executing locally it is working fine, but on server I am getting below error

5635 0
Widely asked C# Programming interview questions with answers
In this article, I have provided list of most widely used C# interview questions and answers, which a beginner or advanced developer should know.
8386 2
Error "illegal characters in path" C#

Hello, I am trying to save file in C#, using file.SaveAs(Path), and getting the error "Illegal Characters in Path" as shown below



10381 0
Understanding Garbage Collection In C# With Example
In this article, I have discussed in detail about how garbage collection generations works in C# .NET with an example in console application.
12265 2
How can I get application root folder location in C# Console application?

I am creating a C# console application for some test project, in which I need to get Root folder location (application path) of project, for example, if my project is in "C:\Project\Program.cs", so i should get "C:\Project\" drive as root location. 

How can I get it using C# console application, in web-application we get it using Server.MapPath("~/") but I am not sure about console application.

6147 0
String Interpolation in C# with examples
In this article, I have explained about $ -C# string interpolation and how to use it in C# with console application examples
7602 1
How do I create object for IQueryable in C#?

I am trying to create and Instantiate IQueryable<T> object in my C# MVC project, but I am not able to create it, I would like to use it instead of List<T> = new List<T>, so how can I do it? I am trying this

4392 1
How to check if File exists in C#? (Inside folder)

I am trying to download a file from a url, and there are many files, but I don't want to download files that already exists in my drive. So I want to implement to check if file already exists in a folder using C#?


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