14780 0
Exception handling in C# (With try-catch-finally block details)
In this article, I will explain you in detail about the concept of Exception handling in C# and how we can use try-catch block to handle errors with example.
14568 3
How to remove double quotes from string using C#?

I wanted to remove double quotes from a string using C#, How can I do that easily and efficiently?

For Example, I have string : "-10,20", how to get output -> -10,20


14566 2
Cannot convert null to a value type JSON error

I am getting error 'Cannot convert null to a value type' when trying to deserialize JSON response into class object
I have the following code in C#

14555 2
How to convert HTML text into plain text using C#?

I have a requirement in which I need to render/display plain text from HTML content, so I would like to know how can I do it using C#?

For example, below is my HTML code

14471 3
how to convert UTC time to Local using C#?

Hello, I would like to know how can I convert UTC datetime into local (user's pc) datetime in asp.net MVC razor page using C#?

I thought .ToLocalTime() should work, but I am not getting correct result.


14203 2
Error "Maximum request length exceeded" in ASP.NET MVC

When I am trying to upload a pdf file(10 MB) using javascript file upload in my ASP.NET MVC application, I am getting this error as below

Maximum request length exceeded

Here is the image of the error


13685 2
How to create XML document using XDocument in C#?

Hello, I need to add some data in XML file by programmatically creating it using C# and XDocument, so how I will create it?

For example, Suppose if I need output like below in XML

13389 0
Verify email address exists or not? (With email id validation in C#)
In this tutorial, I am going to provide you, code using C# to verify email address exists or not, you can use this c# validate email address code while registering user.
13189 2
Read file in C# (Text file .NET and .NET Core example)
In this article, I have explained and provided code to read text file in C# ( line by line or complete text file into string) using Console application example in .NET Framework and .NET Core.
13022 2
How to format currency string in C# to add commas in thousands place?

I have a string "10000.00", I would like to add commas in thousands place for a give string or number using C# .NET String.Format()? So I can show output as "1,00,00.00", something like this.


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