11691 1
Barcode generator in C# ( and how to read barcode )
In this article, I have provided sample code, which you can use in C# MVC or Win-Form or any other C# app to generate barcode Type 128 / UPCA/ 11 and read barcode in C#.
11529 0
Various star pattern program in c#
In this article, I have show example of various star pattern programs in C# with code and there output.
11479 2
How to encrypt and decrypt a string in C#? Need easy method with example

How to encrypt and decrypt a string in C#? I would like to know simplest and efficient way for this using some example if possible, thanks

11417 0
Multithreading in C# (With example)
In this tutorial, I have explained about multithreading in C# with an example & how to use multithreading in C# .NET
11304 1
MySQL Connection in C# (Console Application Example)
In this article, I have provided working sample to connect to MySQL in C# using Visual Studio with Console application example.Also , how to insert new row in MySQL database in C# and Visual Studio.

11113 3
How to Add Spaces before Capital letter in a string using C#?

In my MVC project, I am getting dropdown text data as "NoEffect", "FadeOut" etc, now I would like to show user as "No Effect", "Fade out" etc, show how can I achieve it using C#?

Any method would work, using regex or without using regex.

11079 0
Simple C# code examples with output (Console application example)
In this article, I have provided list of various examples of C# programs with output and explanation of basic code, which will help beginner or students to learn C# easily.
11018 2
Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string error in C#

When I am trying to decrypt the encrypted string using C#, I am getting an error as below


Here is the HTML Razor anchor link code clicking on which, I am trying to decrypt it

10749 0
Understanding Garbage Collection In C# With Example
In this article, I have discussed in detail about how garbage collection generations works in C# .NET with an example in console application.
10708 3
How to create Excel file using C# without Microsoft office & interop?

Hello, I would like to know how can I generate excel file in my C# project without installing Microsoft Excel/office or interop on server?Can you please provide me step by step guide or easy tutorial links, anything will work, thanks.


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