3276 2
What is the future of augmented reality in mobile applications?
In this article, we will take a look how AR technology will make changes in our lives when deployed into mobile applications.
3804 0
Mobile Application Development: Top 6 Highly-Preferred Principles
Modern mobile application development has undergone many phases to date. These principles can be summarized by some basic important principles through which everyone can get a rough idea of what these are up to.
3059 1
How to convert Json ArrayList into String Array in Java?

How to convert Json ArrayList into String Array?

Here is my Sample code where I am getting ArrayList data in mAddList variable

4833 1
Example code to Display data in Spinner Dynamically Using Retrofit Library

Hello, can I get android sample code link to Fetch data from server Using Retrofit and display it in Populated Spinner Dynamically Using Retrofit Library.

4228 1
How to Add shopping cart buttons to recycleview In Android?

I Want display two button and one Textview on recycleview, If i click on plus (+) button value of textview, it should be increase and if I click of minus button than value of textview should be decrease.

After that, I want to add one more button(AddToCart button) when i click on AddtoCart button than that particular item value should be display in Cart Android Platform.

How Can i achieve this functionality in Android?



16329 1
How to show dropdown list in Xamarin Forms?

I am new to C# Xamarin.Forms and i would like to know how can i create dropdown list in Xamarin.Forms like we do in HTML using

4793 1
Mobile question and answer Section in Xamarin C# forms?

How do i build a Mobile question and answer section with Xamarin.Froms?

3981 2
Feeds with comment in Xamarin.Forms

I have been tasked with creating a discussion section/ Feeds with Xamarin.Forms.

I have looked for examples and found nothing.
I have to create a section of the app where Users can ask a question and other users can comment and/or like question. I basically want to create something like Facebook Feeds or Stackoverflow but must simpler.

I need some guidence as I am fairly new to Xamarin. I have Generated the Models, And I'm using Web Services. 

Any help will be appreciated.


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