I am trying to create a list of anchor tags, and want to add or remove CSS class on a button click, Suppose this is my sample code
...I am trying to create and Instantiate IQueryable<T> object in my C# MVC project, but I am not able to create it, I would like to use it instead of List<T> = new List<T>
, so how can I do it? I am trying this
I am trying to download a file from a url, and there are many files, but I don't want to download files that already exists in my drive. So I want to implement to check if file already exists in a folder using C#?
...I am searching my s3 bucket and I would like to know how can I check total number of objects (files) I have uploaded inside particular S3 Bucket on amazon web server? I am looking for easy solution here.
...I have a string "123" and another string "Test", now I want to identify from which you these string conatins number, so How can i check if string is a number or not in C#, is there any method in C# or we need to create custom method for it?
Example :
"11" = true
"Hello"= false
...I am trying to download Visual Studio 2019 Community edition for offline or Visual Studio 2022 community edition for offline, but I would like to know what is the total size for Visual Studio 2019 / 2022 Community Edition? I have downloaded 20GB of VS 2019, but it is still not complete, so I would like to know how long I will have to wait.
...I am getting data from the server using jQuery data table, now I want to format all the price or numbers getting from the server to two decimal places using javascript.
How can I do it?
For example:
...I was trying to upload file in asp.net web-forms using File upload control which works fine, considering article example here https://qawithexperts.com/article/asp-net/file-upload-in-aspnet-web-forms-upload-control-example/273
But what if I don't want to use file upload control of web-form, so how can I upload file in asp.net without using the fileupload server control? Basically I would like to use "<input type='file' />
I am developing online learning portal in ASP.NET MVC web-application and I want develop video conference featue inside web-app.
Please help me in creating this application, because I am new in web-development.
...I am getting an error "System.NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime Parse(System.String)' method and this method cannot be translated into a store expression." when trying to run below code in C# ASP.NET MVC