
How to check if I am using localhost server or not in C# MVC?

I am trying to create a background job using hangfire as explained in this article "Background jobs in ASP.NET MVC C# using" but I don't want to run this background jobs when working locally.

So, How can I check if I am on localhost in C# & ASP.NET MVC and not run this background jobs?

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How to make a div editable on Click?

I would like to make div editable to enter contents in it and on changing content, want to call ajax to save data in back-end.

I know we can do it using Textbox, but would like to make a <div> inside <td> to make it editable when user clicks inside it.

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How to update table variable in stored procedure from another user defined function in sql?

Scenario : User defined function return one table. If that table contains at least one row,one column in the table variable from another sp should get updated.

Should I use cross join on UDF to update table variable?


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How can I run raw SQL query in C#? ( With and Without ADO.NET)

I am trying to optimise my query to get data from database, so I would to know how can I directly run a sql query in my C#.

Currently I am using Entity framework with EDMX, so to improve query time, I would like to know how can I run direct sql query?

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How to make Group by in Linq work with possible null values, in C#?

I am trying to add List.GroupBy(a=>a.ProductType.Name).Select(a=>a.FirstOrDefault()), now here I can have null values for .ProductType or .name so how can I ignore null values in C#, so I can get proper results of GroupBy?

If I am using above query in C#, I am getting error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I tried to make it like List.GroupBy(a=>a.ProductType != null ? a.ProductType), but it doesn't work.

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How to create dynamic list type in C#?

Hello, I would like to create a helper function in the class, which can be used by multiple List types at the same, so how can I create initialize or create function to pass List<T> where T can be any type of class in C#?

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How to add custom search box in jQuery Datatable and place it outisde main Table?

I am using jQuery datatable in my ASP.NET MVC website, now I would like to place this custom search box main jQuery datatable, how can I do that using jQuery?

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How to remove double quotes from string using C#?

I wanted to remove double quotes from a string using C#, How can I do that easily and efficiently?

For Example, I have string : "-10,20", how to get output -> -10,20


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How can i display title or label on polygons on google map?

I want to display the title or label on loctions on the google map,it works on markers,but not within polygons.

Here is my current Google maps JS Code

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Is it possible to call single usercontrol in Aspx page with multiple data and how?

i want to display multiple data in aspx page using single user can be taken like dataset from database.

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