
Login to a website without using username and password

I want login to my project website without asking username and password  from a specified computer in javascript or. Net


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How to convert a positive number to negative number and negative to positive in C#?

Hello, I would like to know, How can I convert a positive number ( int type) to a negative number in C# and vice-versa ( negative to positive number using C#)?



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How to right-align button inside Flex div?

How can I right align a button which is index div using CSS flex?

I cannot use float:right or posoition:absolute/relative, so please let me know how can I do this using Flex in CSS.

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How to show date time with am/pm using C# in ASP.NET?

I have datetime saved in the database as "2019-04-06 15:22:23.150" now, how can show this date time value to user with am/pm using C# or Razor syntax in MVC View?

Sample output : 09/04/2019 03:52 PM


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How to check or uncheck checkbox using jQuery?

I have some filters on page so when clicking on "x" button of a selected filter, need to remove the filter and uncheck the checkbox using jQuery, so How can I do that on dynamically created element using jQuery?

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Error "Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication." in SQL server

I was trying to run my amazon RDS account using MS SQL server management studio, and was able to login succesfully but when using that values in web.config and loading page in browser, I am getting error as below

"Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication."

How Can I resolve this issue, here is my Connection string

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Not able to start SQL server browser in windows

Today, I was trying to Start my SQL server browser using SQL server configuration manager in windows 10, but I cannot see any option to start it as it is blurred and not clickable, so cannot start SQL server browser, here is the screenshot of my pc


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How do I update .edmx file to get new columns in Visual Studio 2017 (ASP.NET MVC)?

I was trying to update my .edmx (ADO.NET) file to get updated or you can say newly added columns, but I wasn't able to get it, what is the proper way to update  or refresh the model to get new database table columns, when the database changes.

I do not want the process of deleting the complete Models and again adding them from database.

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Fetch multiple table data using Single Query in ASP.NET using Entity framework.

I want to get data from related entity based on multiple conditions in a single query

I have two tables Employee(EmpId,EmpName) and Attendance(AttId,ScanType,ScanTime,EmpId), I want to display data for each month for all Employees. In Attendance table Scan type have multiple values for in-time and out-time. I want to select smallest value as in-time and largest value as out-time for each employee and store for each employee in view model. ViewModel(EmpId,In-time,Outtime).

What will be the query for this?


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Error System.NullReferenceException while accessing Parent entity property in child entity

I am trying to access a property of parent entity which is on one side of relation while in child entity but it is giving me null reference exception. May be its problem of lazy loading which is not available in entity framework core 2.0. How to access it in core 2.0. These are details of problem

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