
How to use NuGet Package in Visual Studio Code Linux Ubuntu to add package.(.net core2)

Hi, I'm new at using Visual Studio Code on Linux Ubuntu to create a web site ( core2). I have installed NuGet Package in my Visual Studio Code but want to add some package.


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How to read powershell script file from log parser and save data in sql using c#?

Bascially,LogParser is used to read IIS logs.We upload one log file to log parser, select query and we get results of query like :user agent,ip address(basically hits to particular url).That query is PS(PowerShell Script) file.

Any idea how to read that PS file and save output of that query to db?

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How to add the SignalR client library in ASP.NET Core 2?

Hi, I'm using SignalR with .net core2 in Visual studio 2017 to send message to all users. But I don't know how can I add the SignalR client library.

My current javascript code is :

<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-0.5.2.min.js"
<script src="signalr/hubs" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var myHubProxy = $.connection.hub.CreateHubProxy("MyHub");
myHubProxy.on('ClientsListener', function (msg) {
// alert to test
alert(' message from server');
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {


In Which my project not contains those scripts :

<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-0.5.2.min.js"type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="signalr/hubs" type="text/javascript"></script>

Please how can add the SignalR client library. I was try this : But I remarked  no file clled Client_side library to add it .


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Web service returning 500 failed to load resource error

When I try to call C# Web service using jQurey, I am getting error "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)"

I'm trying to send a call using ajax but in Chrome it is raising an error here is my code


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How to get lat/long using Google address autocompete api using Javascript or jQuery?

I am currently using Google's address autocomplete api to get the locations (address) as shown in example here

Now I would like to get only Latitude and longitude of address, when user selects the address.

How can I do this using Javascript or jQuery?

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How to get lat-long from address (string) using C#?

I have a address in string like "444 NE Ravenna Blvd, Seattle, WA" , now how can I get the lat/long of this address using Google maps or any other services in C#.

Basically need to convert address into Lat-long using C#.

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How to get notified when a row is added in SQL Server database using core 2?

Hi, how can I get notification when a new row is added in the database using core 2.

For example, I have table Posts and have 4 posts, and when the table contains the new post ( post 5) I will get a notification to my view in core2 says that the new post added. Thanks.

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How to get Facebook page notification new comments/posts via Graph API in ASP.NET

Hi, I have to add a method to get the posts and comments from graph api : But as we know every minute or every 5 minute we have a new posts and comments. And when I move to the view that contains the posts and comments I can't recieve the new posts and comments like a notifications . like facebook when any one post or comment into a page facebook we get a notification and that notification when click on it, the new comments shown or posts.

Please how can I do that ? thanks.

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Access denied when permission of app to my application is denied with Facebook authentication in core


I have created an app at Facebook developer  is built in core . I have a client set up to be authorized with that IdentityServer.
Now when i try to access a secure resource on client application, identity server redirects me to my identityserver website. There i try to authenticate via Facebook . After logging in, Facebook  asks for the persmission that my identityserver needs to access . If i allow there, it all works fine .
But the issue arises when i click deny, then Facebook  app redirects to my identity server website with error="access_denied" in querystring and my identityserver website throws exception
regarding that access denied error.

How can I handle that situation given the fact that I do not allow the application to access information at Faceboook? Thanks.

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