Check if list contains a value using lambda and EF in MVC

I have an array of string values, now what I need is to filter the list of data based on matching each element of array with list, means need to select those list items which has typeId == SomeValueInTypeArray

Something like this

//array created by splitting string 
var TYPES =  types.Split(',');

//Select those list items which has typeId == SomeValueInTypeArray
list = context.CompanyUsers.Where(a => a.TypeId.IsIn(Types)).ToList();

How can I do this using lambda?

I am using Entity Framework in MVC project

Asked by:- Vinnu
: 15064 At:- 1/4/2018 1:45:18 PM
C# lambda lambda expression contains list how to use select in lambda expression linq

3 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

You can find element in list using .Contains() or .Any() method in C#, so your code will be like this

var TYPES =  types.Split(',');

//Select those list items which has typeId == SomeValueInTypeArray
list = context.CompanyUsers.Where(a => TYPES.Any(type => type == a.TypeId)).ToList();
At:- 1/5/2018 10:40:46 AM Updated at:- 3/11/2018 7:18:12 PM

profileImage Answered by:- jon

In the above answer, there is one way of .Any(), seconf way is that you can use .Contains() to check if array item exists in your List or not

Using C# code like below

var matchingvalues = myList.Where(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Contains(myString));
At:- 1/9/2018 11:44:19 AM Updated at:- 1/9/2018 11:44:35 AM

profileImage Answered by:- bhanu

If you just want to search for a "string" in a list, you can also test it using "Exists", here is the sample

 List<string> list1 = new List<string>(){
		if(list1.Exists(x => x == "World"))
			Console.WriteLine("Item Exists");
			Console.WriteLine("Item doesn't Exists");


Item Exists
At:- 5/13/2021 11:50:20 AM

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