Best extension to convert C# Class to Typescript Interface Class

Hi, i just wanted to seek advice what is the best extension to reuse and convert my C# Class to Typescript Interface Class without coding it again. 

I've seen many extesions out there. Just copy and paste and it will produce typescript class, but I don't know what is the best of them. I also want a converter that convert accurately. Thanks, Happy Coding! :)

Asked by:- Aileereal
: 11581 At:- 1/28/2018 3:40:46 AM

3 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Yes there are many plugin available to convert C# class file into typescript some of them are 

  1. Typewriter  : looks easy to use, it can create new typescript files when you create a C# class file and save it(after installing it)
  2. Typelite, looks promising and widely used.
  3. Check this link and explanation in it to generate typescript looks very easy (my personal recommendation after typeLite )
  4. Web Essentials allow to compile C# files to TypeScript .d.ts files on save. Then you could reference the definitions from your .ts files.
At:- 1/28/2018 11:48:29 AM

profileImage Answered by:- bhanu

If you are using Visual Studio 2015 or above (as TypeScriptSyntaxPaste needs the Rosalyn compiler), you can use TypescriptSyntaxPaste , you just need to install it from the Visual Studio Tools | Extensions menu, once you install it whenever you copy some C# code and paste it into a TypeScript file (either .ts or .tsx), TypeScriptSyntaxPaste will step in and will convert C# code to TypeScript. 

The above answer already mentions about it, you can consider below links for reference

At:- 1/30/2018 12:05:07 PM

profileImage Answered by:- pika

If anyone looking for a Visual Studio Code Extension for C# to Typescript converter, take a look at this one

Typescript to C# for VS code

For Visual Studio 2017 or above (C# to typescript)


At:- 9/7/2021 9:20:12 AM

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