
How to make a table jQuery sortable table using any jquery / javascript plugin?

I would like to know, how can I implement sorting or you can say change current table into jQuery sortable table using any external plugin or using jQuery UI?

Suppose this is my current HTML

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How to show Crystal report for two tables related by foreign key?

I have two tables tbl_employee and tbl_department. I want to show a crystal report for employee information where department name should be there. When I am trying to show the report only for the employee table it is working fine but when I am joining these two tables with key in crystal report design, logon error exception is shown. 


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How to create bootstrap dropdown with hover animation?

I would like to create a bootstrap dropdown with hover animation, how can I create it?

My Current HTML code is as below, which is a basic drop-down menu created using Bootstrap.


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How to get the records of last month using sql query in SQL server?

Hello, I need to check my last month records in SQL server management studio, and I would like to know how can I get record of only last month from a table using SQL query, I have DateCreated column to check when the row was added in the table.

For example, as It's may,2018 and I would like to run a Query to get April,2018 records using sql server query.

If possible, I would also like to know, how to get last 30 days(not month) records in SQL server query.

Currently, I am using SQL server 2012.

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how to call function when width is below 600px using jQuery and call it again when windows size changes?

I haven't worked very much on front-end jQuery framework, so I would like to know how can i check the width of windows on load and call a function & how to call that same function again when size of window changes.

Suppose I want to call a function below 600px of window size on page load

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Dynamic Navbar Update Problem

It might be an old question. I have recently created a website where the Navbar menus are dynamically generated by category. Inside those categories, different posts are created from the backend.  Now the problem is when I change the name of the category, it is obvious that the <li> name in the website will also be updated. But it is not happening. Funny part is, it is changing in the database. I already checked that. When I am stopping my project and re-running it again, then it is working. Can anyone help me out with the problem?


N:B- I am taking my category name data through a global viewbag filter. 

This is the code.

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The type of one of the primary key values did not match the type defined in the entity


I am trying to fill a dropdown list with the values of my tables. I don't need all of the values so I have to use a "where" clause

here is my code

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How should i display first 10 records at a time in sql (paging in SQL)?

How should i display 1st 10 records, then next 10 records then next 10 records in sql (paging in SQL)? 

And how should i display the same thing in view using see more link?

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How to search a string from comma separated string in C#?

Suppose, I have a string like "abc, xyz, abc, efd", now I need to search "abc" from the comma separated string, how to check if it is inside the string or not.

If possible, I would like to know the solution in Linq, thanks

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How can I call base class constructor from derived class in C#?

I would like to know, suppose if I have inherited a Class A in Class B then How can I call the constructor of the base class(Class A) in C#?

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