How to customize/configure cutom Login UI for Identity Server 4 based on their Quickstart Repo

How to change the default Login UI template of Identity Server 4 based on my preferences?.

What steps should I do to implement my desired design with Identity Server 4.

Any links that tells how to customize/cofigure the template will help.

I am having a hard time to implement my design onto it. I am thinking to create angular 2+ login page with restful services on identity server 4 but it was not recommended because of security purposes.

Asked by:- EmmanuelReal
: 6432 At:- 6/14/2018 4:25:41 PM
ASP.NET CORE Identity Server 4 MVC

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- jaya

I don't have good knowledge of Identity server in ASP.NET Core, but I found this link

Which says you can define

  • UiUrl: Url of the AdminUI frontend (the idxui container)

You can find it in

  • AuthorityUrl: Url of the IdentityServer installation protecting AdminUI
  • ApiUrl: Url of the AdminUI backend (the idxapi container)
  • UiUrl: Url of the AdminUI frontend (the idxui container)
  • AddUserPassword: Allows for settings user passwords on creation. This is for demo purposes only. Do not use in Production.

Another one which may help

Similar question asked here

Says, "Yes, it is possible, see the documentation on customizing views"

The views in IdentityServer can be customized in one of two ways: 1) Customize the HTML templates provided by the DefaultViewService, or if more control is needed 2) define a custom IViewService.

Another link which explained Angular 2 Open Id integration

Hope it helps

At:- 6/14/2018 5:32:02 PM

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