How to get PageID of a Facebook user for which user is admin and get permissions to post on it in ASP.NET MVC?

HI, I have creaed button to login with facebook using Oauth in mvc after logging I have got the user Id and email after login but want to Get PageID of a Facebook user which the user is admin for it and get permissions to post on it.

how can I do that. Thanks

Asked by:- LuneAgile
: 2909 At:- 8/26/2018 1:31:43 PM
ASP.NET OAuth-login-facebook

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- Vinnu

You can get user pages using Graph API. Steps:

  1. Get the manage_pages permission from the user (extended permissions).
  2. Call the Graph API -

You can test this procedure in the graph explorer -> Just click on 'Get Access Token' button-> under 'Extended permission' check 'manage_pages' & submit it. It will give you the admin-page-details JSON.


Some more links which may help

The above links should help you if you have knowledge of Graph API, if not you can read this article which may help.

At:- 8/27/2018 2:23:36 PM

profileImage Answered by:- LuneAgile

Thanks so much Vinnu your answar help me alot of :) .

At:- 8/27/2018 4:30:55 PM

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