
Multiple actions were found that match the request: in web api C# ?

HI, I am trying to work with the Web API in C#, and when calling it using jquery I am getting the error "Multiple actions were found that match the request: in web API C#", so how to resolve this issue, here is my current code

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how to get MVC model list in javascript and pass it to controller?

How to fetch model values (IList<Model>) in the script and pass the data to the controller?

I want to pass the data like : 

array 0 : id : 1,id:2

array1 : id : 3,id:4

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How to display PDF in div for a particular id using MVC?

I am saving PDF files for Employee with HttpPostedFilebase where the path of the pdf will be saved in the database. Now I want to display the PDF in a div, not the download link. For showing image, I have done <img src=@Url.Content(Model.employee_image) />. How can I do the same for Displaying PDF?

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How do i remove hand (pointer) cursor from anchor (a) link tag in HTML?

I have a requirement, in which I want to use anchor tag (<a>) of HTML but without pointer cursor, as I don't want to show user if it is clickable, I don't want to use <span> or any other HTML tag, so how to remove pointer cursor from anchor tag using HTML/CSS or javascript?

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Ajax.Beginform is posting form values twice in MVC?

I am using Ajax.BeginForm in Modal pop-up, but when submitting form values, it is calling controller twice and hence saving the same form details twice in the database, what can be the cause of it, i am not able to find any good solution on internet, I am using PartialView in ActionMethod to return Ajax.Beginform view

Here is the PartialView code

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How can I know which Key was pressed using jquery or javascript?

I need to close a modal pop-up using jQuery on Enter key press, so i would like to know how can I know that Enter was pressed using jquery or javascript?

Quick help is needed/appreciated


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Pass checkbox values to Controller and show confirmation before deleting data in MVC C#

Hi, I want to pass multiple checkbox values for deleting data like

checkbox1: a,b,c,d  checkbox2: e,f,g,h

and pass it to the controller and want to show modal popup before sending Data to the controller:

Are you sure, you are going to delete 2 items? (Delete/No)

the modal pop-up will contain the only count of selected data and delete button for confirmation?

Delete button will delete all selected data

should I pass the data in JSON format or in the string?

Right now, I am passing the data like : var a = {values = CommaSeperatedValues}
In the controller Method passing argument as List<string> values and fetched values but I am getting an error like unexpected char at JSON

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How to send browser push Notification using web-forms?

Hi, I would like to know how can I send or push notification to the user to the browser using web forms? Something like the below image


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How to show formatted (pretty-print) JSON using JavaScript?

I am getting a JSON from the server side(C# .NET) using jQuery ajax call, now I would like to show this JSON to users in readable format like postman does when we send request using it(& get results in JSON) or you can say want to show JSON in readable or formatted form.

How can I achieve it using jquery or javascript?

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Scroll issue in bootstrap pop-modal

I am creating bootstrap pop-up modal data dynamically on button click when the button is clicked jQuery datatable content is loaded dynamically in Bootstrap pop-up modal and it is shown as needed.

Scroll works at first, but when content is changed in jQuery datatable using filtering options, scroll in modal pop-up doesn't work.

How can I resolve this issue? is it Modal pop up issue or jQuery datatable issue

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