Scroll issue in bootstrap pop-modal

I am creating bootstrap pop-up modal data dynamically on button click when the button is clicked jQuery datatable content is loaded dynamically in Bootstrap pop-up modal and it is shown as needed.

Scroll works at first, but when content is changed in jQuery datatable using filtering options, scroll in modal pop-up doesn't work.

How can I resolve this issue? is it Modal pop up issue or jQuery datatable issue

Asked by:- neena
: 5132 At:- 11/21/2017 2:11:17 PM
Bootstrap modal pop-up issue bootstrap modal not scrolling down CSS

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- jaiprakash

No, there is no issue with jQuery datatable, Bootstrap 3 has an issue when using modal pop-up with dynamic content, you need to override the modal class by changing position to absolute from fixed, like this in your CSS


also, make the overflow-y  as scroll


If you still face problems with dynamic content try to give min-height to your modal pop-up

At:- 11/22/2017 7:20:15 AM Updated at:- 11/22/2017 7:23:12 AM
thanks, wasn't aware of this issue, it works for me now 0
By : neena - at :- 12/5/2017 11:28:12 AM

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