How do i remove hand (pointer) cursor from anchor (a) link tag in HTML?

I have a requirement, in which I want to use anchor tag (<a>) of HTML but without pointer cursor, as I don't want to show user if it is clickable, I don't want to use <span> or any other HTML tag, so how to remove pointer cursor from anchor tag using HTML/CSS or javascript?

Asked by:- Vipin
: 12452 At:- 11/29/2017 12:18:45 PM
HTML CSS how to get rid of the hand cursor

3 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- neena

In CSS try the code below to remove cursor/pointer from anchor (<a>) tag


You may have to remove underline also while hovering link, then you can use

At:- 11/30/2017 11:12:37 AM
thanks 0
By : Vipin - at :- 1/15/2018 3:38:07 PM

profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

To remove hand pointer from all instance of anchor tag in HTML, you can use below CSS

   cursor: default;


You can use inline-css in HTML

<a href="/url" style="cursor:default">No Hand Pointer</a>
At:- 12/30/2020 9:10:03 AM

profileImage Answered by:- SanjoyDas

I have shared My answer in this link: how-to-remove-hand-symbol-from-anchor-tag-using-css/


At:- 2/4/2022 10:38:28 AM

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