confirmation box on span using jquery

I want to show confimration box to user, after user clicks on a button.
I am willing to use jquery here.

here is my demo code

<span class="DeleteAction">
<i class='fa fa-remove'></i>

Asked by:- neena
: 4510 At:- 5/10/2017 3:45:21 PM
jquery javascript html

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Yes you can do it simply, using jquery code below

$(document).on('click', '.DeleteAction', function () {
           var c = confirm("Are you sure do you want to delete it");
           if (c == true) {
                //do something here
             return false



At:- 5/10/2017 3:49:23 PM Updated at:- 5/10/2017 3:50:19 PM

profileImage Answered by:- pika

You can have this HTML

<span id="delete-button">Delete</span>


    if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this?")){
        // do something here.
        return false;

This should work, thanks

At:- 1/24/2022 11:01:37 AM

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