I have deleted my database by accidentially in sql server 2017 is there is any way to recover it?

Hi, I have deleted my database by accidentially in sql server 2017 is there is any way to recover it? Thanks.

Asked by:- LuneAgile
: 1692 At:- 10/15/2018 12:27:25 PM
SQL recover-deleted-database

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Do you have a backup of your database? If yes, restore database from that.

If not, You need complete backup to rollback your changes. If you do not have complete backup you can not revert back. Sorry.

To restore the database to previous stage if you have full backup:

  • Restore the full backup
  • Restore the latest differential backup.
  • Restore the second most latest (latest – 1) transaction back. Now restore the log to the point step by step.

Last option is to use MDF Recovery Tool which allows you to recover corrupt or deleted SQL server database. Download the demo version of this software and check.

At:- 10/15/2018 1:25:02 PM
Thanks Vikas_jk :) . 0
By : LuneAgile - at :- 10/17/2018 9:39:27 PM

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