SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but it duplicates results

Trying to SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but it duplicates results, here is my query

[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code] AS [Loc Code]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Description]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Description 2]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Quantity] AS [QTY]
FROM [Transfer Shipment Line]
LEFT JOIN [Trans_ Sales Entry]
ON [Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]=[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Store No_] AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]=[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Item No_] AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]=[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Variant Code]
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]='LOCATION1' AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]='ITEM01' AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]='VARIANT01

Query result (correct quantity)

Loc Code   -   Item No_   -   Description   -   Description2   -   Variant Code   -   QTY
LOCATION1   ITEM01         ACTIVE            BLACK                VARIANT01          1
LOCATION1   ITEM01         ACTIVE            BLACK                 VARIANT01         2



MAX([Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]) AS [Loc Code]
,MAX([Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_])
,MAX([Transfer Shipment Line].[Description])
,MAX([Transfer Shipment Line].[Description 2])
,MAX([Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code])
,SUM([Transfer Shipment Line].[Quantity]) AS [QTY]
FROM [Transfer Shipment Line]
LEFT JOIN [Trans_ Sales Entry]
ON [Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]=[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Store No_] AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]=[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Item No_] AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]=[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Variant Code]
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]='LOCATION1' AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]='ITEM01' AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]='VARIANT01'
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]

Query result (with SUM)

Loc Code   -   Item No_   -   Description   -   Description2   -   Variant Code   -   QTY
LOCATION1   ITEM01         ACTIVE            BLACK                VARIANT01          9


Asked by:- glennyboy
: 4591 At:- 8/26/2020 9:09:15 AM
SQL sql query Sum sql join sql

Can you show your demo table data? Edit question and upload a image. 1
By : vikas_jk - at :- 8/26/2020 10:12:22 AM
Both table data without join. 1
By : vikas_jk - at :- 8/26/2020 10:12:49 AM

4 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Not Sure, how your tables are interlinked, but your JOIN query doesn't look correct.

Suppose you "TransferShipmentLine" table look like this


and second table "TransSalesEntry" looks like this


Then you can JOIN them and get SUM for column "QTY" using code SQL query as below

    [GroupBy1].[K2] AS [ItemNo], 
    [GroupBy1].[K1] AS [TransferCode], 
    [GroupBy1].[K3] AS [VariantCode], 
    [GroupBy1].[A1] AS [Qty]
        [TransferShipmentLine].[TransferCode] AS [K1], 
        [TransferShipmentLine].[ItemNo] AS [K2], 
        [TransferShipmentLine].[VariantCode] AS [K3], 
        SUM([TransferShipmentLine].[Qty]) AS [A1]
        FROM  [dbo].[TransferShipmentLine] AS [TransferShipmentLine]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[TransSalesEntry] AS [TransSalesEntry] ON [TransferShipmentLine].[TransSalesId] = [TransSalesEntry].[Id]
        WHERE ('LOCATION1' = [TransSalesEntry].[StoreNo]) AND ('ITEM01' = [TransSalesEntry].[ItemNo]) AND ('VARIANT01' = [TransSalesEntry].[VariantCode])
        GROUP BY [TransferShipmentLine].[TransferCode], [TransferShipmentLine].[ItemNo], [TransferShipmentLine].[VariantCode]
    )  AS [GroupBy1]

Sample Output


At:- 8/26/2020 11:24:03 AM
thank you for your reply, please see the sample data table below. 0
By : glennyboy - at :- 8/27/2020 9:36:05 AM

profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

You are not checking SQL query correctly, there is no "SELECT" statement inside your group by

    [GroupBy1].[K2] AS [ItemNo], 
    [GroupBy1].[K1] AS [TransferCode], 
    [GroupBy1].[K3] AS [VariantCode], 
	 [GroupBy1].[K4] AS [Description], 
    [GroupBy1].[A1] AS [Qty]
        [TransferShipmentLine].[TransferCode] AS [K1], 
        [TransferShipmentLine].[ItemNo] AS [K2], 
        [TransferShipmentLine].[VariantCode] AS [K3], 
		  [TransferShipmentLine].[Description] AS [K4], 
        SUM([TransferShipmentLine].[Qty]) AS [A1]
        FROM  [dbo].[TransferShipmentLine] AS [TransferShipmentLine]
INNER JOIN [TransSalesEntry] AS [TransSalesEntry]
[TransferShipmentLine].[TransferCode] = [TransSalesEntry].StoreNo AND
[TransferShipmentLine].ItemNo = [TransSalesEntry].ItemNo AND
[TransferShipmentLine].VariantCode = [TransSalesEntry].VariantCode
        WHERE ('LOCATION1' = [TransSalesEntry].[StoreNo]) AND ('ITEM01' = [TransSalesEntry].[ItemNo]) AND ('VARIANT01' = [TransSalesEntry].[VariantCode])
        GROUP BY [TransferShipmentLine].[TransferCode], [TransferShipmentLine].[ItemNo], [TransferShipmentLine].[VariantCode], [TransferShipmentLine].[Description]
    )  AS [GroupBy1]

Modified your Query by changing column and table name as it is returning correct output as needed.


At:- 8/28/2020 11:34:07 AM

profileImage Answered by:- glennyboy

thank you for your reply

here's the sample data tables;

Transfer Shipment table;

Loc Code   -   Item No   -   Description   -   Description2   -   Variant Code   -   Qty
Location1       Item01         Active                Black                   Variant01             1
Location1       Item01         Active                Black                   Variant01             2
Location1       Item01         Active                Black                   Variant02             1
Location1       Item01         Active                Black                   Variant02             1

Sales Entry table;

Loc Code   -   Item No   -   Variant Code   -   Qty
Location1       Item01          Variant01            -1
Location1       Item01          Variant01            -1

SUM and JOIN (the sql query result should be like this)

Loc Code - Item No - Description   -   Description2   -   Variant Code   -Transfer(Qty) - Sales(Qty)  -   Total
Location1       Item01         Active         Black                   Variant01             3                      -2                   1
Location1       Item01         Active         Black                   Variant02             2                       0                   2

Thank you.


At:- 8/27/2020 9:35:24 AM
Please check my above answer, it should help. Also, create relations between two tables, for JOINS. 0
By : vikas_jk - at :- 8/27/2020 2:01:31 PM

profileImage Answered by:- glennyboy

here's my updated sql query;

[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code] AS TSL1
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_] AS TSL2   (error on this line)
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Description] AS TSL3
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Description 2] AS TSL4
,[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code] AS TSL5
,SUM([Transfer Shipment Line].[Quantity]) AS TSL6
[Transfer Shipment Line] AS [TransferShipmentLine]
INNER JOIN [Trans_ Sales Entry] AS [Trans_ Sales Entry]
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code] = [Trans_ Sales Entry].[Store No_] AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_] = [Trans_ Sales Entry].[Item No_] AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code] = [Trans_ Sales Entry].[Variant Code]
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Transfer-to Code]='LOCATION1' AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Item No_]='ITEM01' AND
[Transfer Shipment Line].[Variant Code]='VARIANT01'
[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Store No_]
,[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Item No_]
,[Trans_ Sales Entry].[Variant Code]

I am getting this error message;

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 30
Incorrect syntax near ','.

Thank you!

At:- 8/28/2020 3:17:02 AM Updated at:- 8/28/2020 3:44:59 AM
Select statement is missing inside GroupBy, also you need to add column "Description" inside inner GroupBy , check second answer with updated query. 0
By : vikas_jk - at :- 8/28/2020 11:36:01 AM
im getting this error Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 21 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Transfer-to Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 21 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Trans_ Sales Entry.Store No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 22 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Item No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 22 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Trans_ Sales Entry.Item No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 23 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Variant Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 23 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Trans_ Sales Entry.Variant Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 25 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Transfer-to Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 26 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Item No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 27 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Variant Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 29 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Trans_ Sales Entry.Store No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 30 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Trans_ Sales Entry.Item No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 31 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Trans_ Sales Entry.Variant Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 11 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Transfer-to Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 12 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Item No_" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 13 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Description" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 14 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Description 2" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 15 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Variant Code" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 16 The multi-part identifier "BBI$Transfer Shipment Line.Quantity" could not be bound. 0
By : glennyboy - at :- 9/1/2020 7:46:57 AM
Please check my second answer above, when you need to include Column name in inner group by, when you select them in outer group by. if you are new to SQL query, learn more about nested group by. 0
By : vikas_jk - at :- 9/1/2020 9:55:56 AM

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