implement Virtual Scroll Asp net mvc

Create implement Virtual Scroll asp net mvc . Thank you

Asked by:- Tvlog
: 861 At:- 2/13/2023 6:31:17 PM
Mvc Mvc 5

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- bhanu

Virtual scroll is also called as infinite scroll in ASP.NET MVC, here is the basic concept behind it.

  1. Load Some data in Div or table
  2. Using jQuery check if div/table height is reached, if yes, try to load more data using jQuery Ajax
  3. append it at the bottom of div/table.

That's how it works.

Here are some of the links, which can help you in implementing it in .NET MVC

That should help.

At:- 2/14/2023 7:35:27 AM

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