Compare 2 Files in VS Code

In this article, I have mentioned how we can compare two files side by side using Visual Studio Code.

What is console application in C#? (With Example)

In this article, I have mentioned what is console application in c# and how to create a console application in Visual Studio.


In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert HTML razor view to PDF in ASP.NET Core using jsreport NuGet package.

Preview Images before upload using Javascript

In this article, I have mentioned how we can preview images before uploading using Javascript with an example

Autocomplete Textbox using Javascript (Multiple Methods)

In this article, I have provided sample code with output to create autocomplete textbox using Javascript and using HTML5 Datalist tag also.

Get image width and height using Javascript and jQuery

In this article, I have explained how you can get width and height of an image before upload using javascript or jQuery to impose width or height constraint.

Clear Text File or Delete File in C#

In this article, I have mentioned how we can clear contents of a text file in C# or delete file completely in C# with console application example.

Iterate Over Dictionary in C# (Various ways)

In this article, I have mentioned how to Iterate Over Dictionary in C# in various possible ways with example

Fallback image in HTML

In this article, I have mentioned how we can add fallback image in HTML when src tag is not able to load image in HTML.

Import an SQL file in MySQL (Using CMD or Powershell)

In this article, I mentioned how we can Import an SQL file in MySQL (Using CMD or Powershell or using MySQL Workbench) easily and quickly.

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