Encrypt and Decrypt string in Javascript

In this article, I have mentioned how we can Encrypt and Decrypt string or text in Javascript to secure text.

Change theme in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS, Dark Mode)

In this article, I have mentioned how we can change SQL Server Management Studio (ssms) to dark mode theme, with little changes.

Exception handling in C# (With try-catch-finally block details)

In this article, I will explain you in detail about the concept of Exception handling in C# and how we can use try-catch block to handle errors with example.

Get IP Address using C# (Local and Public IP Example)

In this article, I have provided sample code to get client ip address using C#, I will be providing example of both, public IP and local IP using Console application.

Solving error "the breakpoint will not currently be hit" in Visual studio ( Multiple ways)

In this article, I have provided multiple ways to resolve error "the breakpoint will not currently be hit, no symbols have been loaded for this document" in visual studio.

Introduction to C++ File handling

In this article, we have provided how to do basic file handling operations in C++ using ifstream and ofstream.

Program to check if input is int or float in C

In this article, I have provided sample C programming code to check if a given input is int or float data type in C

Int to Enum or Enum to Int in C#

In this article, i have mentioned how you can convert int to Enum in C# or Enum to int in C#, using Console application example

Generate Random alphanumeric strings in C#

In this article, I have mentioned how we can generate random alphanumeric strings in C# using various possible methods.

Generate Random Number in C#

In this article, I have mentioned how we can Generate Random Number in C# with multiple methods provided by Random Class in C#

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