In our C# tutorial, you can read about C# strings , C# String Interpolation or Console.WriteLine() in C# print string with newline, but in this article I have provided multiple ways to insert a newline break into a string using C# Console application examples.

Adding a New line using Environment.NewLine in a given string after a specific character

Suppose, you already have a string and you want to add a NewLine after a specific character, let's say "#", you want to replace all occurences of "#" in a given string with a newline, then you can simply use Environment.NewLine

var CurrentStr="Hello World#Welcome to qawithexperts#Thanks for reading";

Then you can use the below C# Console Application C#

using System;
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		var CurrentStr="Hello World#Welcome to qawithexperts#Thanks for reading";
		//here oldCharacter =#
		//NewCharacter = New Line
		CurrentStr = CurrentStr.Replace("#",  System.Environment.NewLine);


Hello World
Welcome to qawithexperts
Thanks for reading


Adding New Line using "\n" in C#

For above example, you can also use "\n" instead of System.Environment.NewLine, so considering above example, we can have below C# code

        var CurrentStr="Hello World#Welcome to qawithexperts#Thanks for reading";
		CurrentStr = CurrentStr.Replace("#",  "\n");

Adding Line Break using Console.WriteLine()

You can also simply use Console.WriteLine() to add line break in your current solution.

Suppose, you want to simply add a blank line and want to move cursor in your console application to next line, you can simply use Console.WriteLine(), as shown in the below example

using System;
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); // This will print text and also move cursor to next line
		Console.WriteLine("Welcome to qawithexperts");
		Console.WriteLine("Thanks for reading example using Console.WriteLine()");


Hello World
Welcome to qawithexperts
Thanks for reading example using Console.WriteLine()

Multiple Lines using Single Console.WriteLine()

Suppose, you want to show multiple text line using 1 Console.WriteLine(), then you can simply add "@" the beginning of the Console.WriteLine() string and split text in lines.

For example:

	Console.WriteLine(@"Hello World
Welcome to qawithexperts
Multiple lines using Single Console.WriteLine");


Hello World
Welcome to qawithexperts
Multiple lines using Single Console.WriteLine


That's it, these are some of the ways to add new line in C#, but easiest one if to use "\n" or using Console.WriteLine().

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Read file in C# (Console Application example)

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