While working with front-end of any web-application, we may want to select or get and HTML element using data-attribute instead of ID or Class, so in this article, I have mentioned how we can get or select an HTML element using data-attribute in jQuery or Javascript with an example.


Using Javascript

To get an element by its data attribute using JavaScript, you can use the querySelector method with the [data-*] attribute selector, like this:

const element = document.querySelector('[data-attribute="value"]');

You can replace "attribute" with the name of the data attribute you want to search for, and "value" with the corresponding value.

For example, we have below HTML element

<p data-select="1">Paragrapgh 1</p>
<p data-select="2">Paragrapgh 2</p>
<p data-select="3">Paragrapgh 3</p>

Then to select element with data-select = 2, we can have javascript code as below

const element = document.querySelector('[data-select="2"]');
//output: Paragrapgh 2

Here is the fiddle link: https://jsfiddle.net/9etm1aL7/

Using jQuery

To get an element by its data attribute using jQuery, you can use the jQuery function with the same attribute selector, like this:

const element = $('[data-attribute="value"]');

you would need to replace "attribute" with the name of the data attribute you want to search for, and "value" with the corresponding value.

So if we consider above HTML example of paragraphs, then to get an paragraph with data-select = 2

then jQuery code would be as below

var element = $('[data-select="2"]');

Both of these methods will return the first element that matches the selector.

If you want to get all matching elements, use querySelectorAll in Javascript method.

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