I have a list of passengers and I have some filters in the view also to search passenger according to the filter.
How we use temp data (or pass values) in one controller from another controller in asp.net mvc?
Originally asked by user_2107228942 on question "how to upload image in C# MVC?"
...How to dynamically create a textbox in asp.net c# on button click, according to user input value?
...How to send email from my Asp.net c# website from my domain email id with attachment.
...Is this possible to implement asp.net web api (.net framework) in angular 4?
I've followed the docs in angular.io and I've already implemented it in my machine, and it has AOT.
By the way I am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2015.
My question is how to config the startup.cs .(net framework asp.net web api) into my angular 4.
What i always saw was implement angular 4 in asp.net core.
So I can't display the data from web api to my angular 4 project.
I want to load a dropdown list in my web forms based on certain conditions, first here is my Table_columns(With types)
food_type --varchar
First_start_time -- time
First_end_time -- time
second_start_time -- time
second_end_time -- time
Now I want to load values in which Current_Time > First_start_time
How to do this, it's basic question but I am not able to do it, so please let me know, thanks
...Suppose I have a Dropdownlist where the items are coming from database in MVC. Now inside the table from where the Items are coming, there is also a Datetime Field. Those dropdownlist entries are list of employees and entered in a particular date. Now what I want, is, I want to populate that dropdownlist based on another datetimepicker in another view. When I will be selecting a date, the items entered on that day will only be shown in my dropdownlist. How can I do that?
...I am trying to specify HTML5 data-atrribute in my asp.net MVC razor code like below
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Industry, OnePassV3.utility.OptionList.GetIndustryListSelectList()
, new { @class="cs-select cs-skin-slide cs-transparent", @data-init-plugin="cs-select" })
but i am getting error as you can see below in the image.
How can I redirect HTTP(not secured) to HTTPS(Secured domain) URL in asp.net, here is my current code, which I am using in web.config
...I want to show only a single record from an employeeList by ID with crystal report in asp.net MVC. But I don't know how to do it. I can show a whole list. But I can't do it for a single ID. Please help.