3881 2
How can I convert string to time in C#?

Hello, I am trying to convert string to time in C#, how can I do that, for example, if I have time as "04:05 pm" in string format, how do I get it as time, timespan, or DateTime format in C#?

3878 1
Remove duplicates from datatable in C#


based on this


I create my data and I store them in a datatable.

Now I have another datatable which I fill it from my database.

I need to remove the duplicates from the first datatable and fill a datagridview.

This is what I have so far

3810 0
Create GUID in C# (Various examples)
In this article, I have mentioned what is GUID in C# and how we can create GUID in C# with various examples
3803 1
Generic type array get and set in C# , how to make it work?

getting error While executing the code below in C#

3799 0
Convert C# Class to JSON with Example
In this article, I have explained how we can convert C# Class to JSON with an console application example.

3752 1
GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync is not working on Server

GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync is not working on localhost but not working in server

3729 2
How can i undo my last Commits on Git?

I have committed some files on my Git using Visual Studio, which i want to undo now, as the code and i want to change it without pushing it to server, i haven't pushed the committed files on server yet, so how can i achieve it using Visual Studio or with some other source?


3726 2
How to subtract total of each row in C# matrix from constant number and sum the result?

Hi, I would like to know how to subtract total of each row in C# matrix from a magic constant number(example : 15) and sum the result, for example, here is my current matrix

3686 0
Convert CSV to JSON in C#
In this article, I have mentioned how we can convert CSV file into JSON using C# with an console application example.
3585 2
Dynamic Menu Tree View from Database

This is the sample link from here also.

Sample Tree View

I've just wanted to know what is the best approach to render it fast.

On the link I provided you will see a tree view coming out from database.

What should I do to render it fast. Here's what I think please guide for better approache(s).

1) Load only parent, then load children when the parent was clicked. (What I think was, why should I fetch all data if I am not using it. That's why I only load parent then the children when the parent is clicked. Is right or not).

2) Build the tree view in api/controller before sending it back to frontview so when the loading was complete all data was already built. (but it takes to fetch coming out from api, the user will see broken menu tree view. Lets say I have e-commerce site like this. below image). How to build menu like this in fastest way without seeing broken tree. (The image is sample to see expected result.)

Happy Coding!


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