3408 0
Limit Text After 2 Lines in CSS (Line Clamping)
In this article, I have provided various examples of showing ellipses after 2 lines of text in HTML div using CSS
3233 2
how can i create rating system using html css?

I want to create rating system using html and css, how can i achieve it?

I want to achieve like this


2782 1
2650 2
how can i make a transparent border using css?

I don't have much knowledge in CSS, so I would like to know how can I create a transparent border using CSS?

The purpose of this border is like, I need to show a border on hovering <li> but it displaces other elements on hover if i write code like this

2612 2
Search form's select dropdown does not work on Apple phones

I have a search form consisting of 5 html selects, on a site which is running Bootstrap 4.1. This does not work on Apple phones, because when the visitor touches the select, the dropdown of options does not appear. This works fine on computers and android devices. Does anyone have a work around?


2610 1
how to maintain aspect ratio using CSS?

Hello, I want to maintain an aspect ratio of a div using CSS, I know we can do it with javascript also, but I would like to maintain aspect ratio using CSS only.

Is there any way to change height according to width, maintaining the aspect ratio using any CSS rule or property?


2582 1
how to place div centered inside div?

How can i place <div> in center horizontally which is inside another <div> using CSS?

I don't want to use position:absolute property

Example code:

2402 1
What is responsive web design and it's importance
In this article, I have provided a detailed explanation about what is responsive web design and how important it is for modern web development.
2278 1
How to make bootstrap dropdown appear on hover instead of click?

I have a bootstrap dropdown on my website, it opens when a user clicks on it like this https://jsfiddle.net/od3n/8T6Vm/, now I need to show dropdown options on hover instead of click, how can I do it?


1816 1
How to right-align button inside Flex div?

How can I right align a button which is index div using CSS flex?

I cannot use float:right or posoition:absolute/relative, so please let me know how can I do this using Flex in CSS.


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