Search form's select dropdown does not work on Apple phones

I have a search form consisting of 5 html selects, on a site which is running Bootstrap 4.1. This does not work on Apple phones, because when the visitor touches the select, the dropdown of options does not appear. This works fine on computers and android devices. Does anyone have a work around?

Asked by:-
: 2560 At:- 7/5/2018 9:20:01 AM
HTML Search-form Dropdown-list

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- jaya

Can you provide us your HTML/CSS code, so we can check what is the possible cause of the issue, without code it is difficult to judge what can be the issue in your Code.

If you can't take a look at the following link

If you can still post the Code, just edit your question, select "{;}" and paste your HTML/CSS/jQuery code or paste it here.

At:- 7/5/2018 5:47:25 PM
I have a working, slightly out of date, copy of the page at This URL will expire soon, so if it is no longer valid, please come back to me, and I will create a new one. The search is bottom, left. The page is work in progress. 0
By : - at :- 7/7/2018 11:31:02 AM

profileImage Answered by:-

The third of the three links above
contained the suggestion which works - so now, all the selects have onclick="void(0)" on them, and the client tells me that this is working - I can't check it, I don't have an apple phone.

<select class="form-control" name="location" id="location" onclick="void(0)">

At:- 7/7/2018 4:28:57 PM
Excellent thanks for add this here 1
By : jaya - at :- 7/7/2018 6:16:57 PM

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