4340 3
Open and Close bootstrap modal using jquery?

I have a requirement to open and close bootstrap modal using jquery or javascript , as I have to kept it open until some background task is complete and after that close bootstrap modal pop-up as soon as task is completed succesffuly, how can iI achieve it using jquery-javascript?

4325 3
Difference equals operator (== vs ===) in JavaScript and which to use when?

I came up with two javascript comparison operators ==(two equals) and ===(three equals) sign, I would like to know when I should use which of these comparison operators and when?

Is there any performance improvement when using ===? 



4152 0
Top Alternatives of jQuery
Article gives introduction about top alternatives of jQuery, which you can use instead of jQuery
4085 1
How to strip out only Text from HTML string using javascript?

Suppose I have an HTML string like below:

4063 0
Implementing Javascript Drag and Drop using HTML5
In this article, I have explained how you can create drag and drop functionality in HTML 5 page using Javascript.

3962 3
how to modify url without reloading page?

How can I modify URL of a web page without reloading the complete page? Is it even possible using javascript or jquery?

I don't want to change the complete URL, just want to change URL after domain, i.e after https://www.test.com/change-from-here

thank you

3941 3
How to add new array element at the start of an array in javascript?

I have already created a array dynamically using Ajax,  but now when i am getting new values to server, sometime i need to add that array on first position based on requirements, so how can i add a new element of an array to first position using javascript(preferred) or jQuery?

3764 1
How to remove all special characters using Javascript?

Hello, I want to remove all special characters using javascript, so which is the best method to do it? For example, I have a string "#number 1 \ number 2", how can I get output as 

3687 0
Useful Javascript Unit Testing Frameworks
In this article, I have provided list of useful Javascript Unit Testing Frameworks which a developer should use to make Javascript testing easy.
3631 0
RGB to Hex and Hex to RGB using Javascript
In this article, I have provided sample code to convert RGB to Hex and Hex to RGB using Javascript, quickly and easily.

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