My question is regarding this article "Read Excel file using Javascript". It is very useful script and I was searching it from long time.
Basically, I want to open address.xlsx automatically and read it, when I open html file in browser, don't want to browse file and then read/show the Excel output. How can I do it.
If possible, I would like to add, an input text-box with ability of search excel data displayed table.
...I am folllowing this tutorial "Using Google maps Javascript api in HTML (Show location with Marker)" but as this example shows how to add only one location with marker in google maps. I would like to add multiple markers in multiple locations of maps. How can I do it. Suppose I have following locations in an array:
...I am using below scripts in my page and have included popper.min.js using CDN but getting an error, "Syntax error Unexpected token 'export' popper.min.js"
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Here is the error image, take a look
I am getting data from the server using jQuery data table, now I want to format all the price or numbers getting from the server to two decimal places using javascript.
How can I do it?
For example:
...I am trying to get today's date using Javscript, which I can do using new Date()
but i would like to know, how can I get it formatted in dd/mm/yyyy and show it in datepicker input?
Hello, I was trying to check if a string is null or empty using javascript or jquery , just like we do in C#. Need one condition, which can check both the requirements at the same time and calls ajax if value is not null or empty.
...I want to display the title or label on loctions on the google map,it works on markers,but not within polygons.
Here is my current Google maps JS Code
...I want login to my project website without asking username and password from a specified computer in javascript or. Net