3267 1
Getting error "$(..).Datatable is not a function"

When I am trying to add jQuery datatable in my ASP.NET Core project I am getting below error "$(..).DataTable is not a function", here is the error image in Google Chrome console.


Although I have added jQuery datatable reference in my code.

2834 2
How to get query string from url using jQuery or Javascript?

Hello, I would like to fetch query string from url on page-load using jQuery or javascript, then how can I do it, suppose below is my website URL

5650 2
How to add / remove class in jQuery dynamically on click?

I am trying to create a list of anchor tags, and want to add or remove CSS class on a button click, Suppose this is my sample code

6278 0
Useful and amazing jQuery table plugins to use in web-applications
In this article, I have provided list of very useful and amazing jquery table plugins which a developer can use in web-applications to make development easier.
10551 1
How to show custom error message in jQuery validate below bootsrap select picker?

I am using jQuery Validate to implement validation in my forms, I am also using Bootstrap selectpciker for dropdown. Validation message placement are correct for all fields except the dropdown, so I would like to know how can I place the validation messsage below dropdown instead of above it using jquery validate?

here is the error in image

my jquery script for validating form


5350 2
How to make a div editable on Click?

I would like to make div editable to enter contents in it and on changing content, want to call ajax to save data in back-end.

I know we can do it using Textbox, but would like to make a <div> inside <td> to make it editable when user clicks inside it.

4939 0
Making all fields of Form as Read only (Disabled) using jQuery on page load.
In this short article, I have explained how we can disable all the fields in a form using jquery on page load.
8180 2
How to add custom search box in jQuery Datatable and place it outisde main Table?

I am using jQuery datatable in my ASP.NET MVC website, now I would like to place this custom search box main jQuery datatable, how can I do that using jQuery?

1726 2
How to check or uncheck checkbox using jQuery?

I have some filters on page so when clicking on "x" button of a selected filter, need to remove the filter and uncheck the checkbox using jQuery, so How can I do that on dynamically created element using jQuery?

6471 1
Web service returning 500 failed to load resource error

When I try to call C# Web service using jQurey, I am getting error "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)"

I'm trying to send a call using ajax but in Chrome it is raising an error here is my code



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