4900 2
Check if table exists then delete it in SQL Server

I am checking this article, which allow you to drop all tables of SQL Server database, but I just want to delete a specific table of the database, so how can I do it?

to check if table exists then drop it completely from the database, without risking any other DB table in SQL Server.

4878 2
Error "Connection was established with server but error occurred during login process" SSMS

When I am trying to login into my local database server using SQL server management studio, I am getting an error, as shown below

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. 
(provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) 


4852 0
Remove all whitespace from string in SQL Server
In this article, I have provided working examples to remove all spaces from a string in SQL Server.
4781 0
How to Create database in sql server management studio (With Insert/Delete)
In this article, I have provided step by step details with images about how to create a database in sql server using SQL Server management studio easily.
4603 4
SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but it duplicates results

Trying to SUM and JOIN 2 columns with different tables but it duplicates results, here is my query


4578 0
Extract String after a character or before character in SQL Server
In this article, i have mentioned how we can Extract String after a character or before character in SQL Server with examples
4547 2
How to convert nvarchar column to datetime in SQL Server?

Hello, I am using nvarchar column to store datetime as string, but I would like to convert this column from nvarchar into datetime in sql server. How can I do it.

Current time format is '2019-01-29 14:55:50'

4503 0
Import an SQL file in MySQL (Using CMD or Powershell)
In this article, I mentioned how we can Import an SQL file in MySQL (Using CMD or Powershell or using MySQL Workbench) easily and quickly.
4473 2
Cannot connect to WMI Provider SQL server configuration manager error

I am trying to open SQL server configuration manager, after following this question "How to open sql server configuration manager in windows 10?" and steps to show it on Start menu, but when opening configuration manager getting error pop-up with message

Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 and later servers with SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Invalid namespace


4464 2
Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus

I am new to Database systems and I don't really have the best lecturer and we are learning about Relational algebra and relational calculus, not many videos or help online. 

Please can someone assist me with this topic as i would like to get further knowledge 


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